Below is the written transcript of this channeled video transmission from January 20, 2025. A message and guided meditation to hold the higher vision & use compassionate action for those needing it in the world due to fires, natural disasters, war, famine and so forth. Join us & be part of the chang...
It’s the beginning of November 2019 and I’m sitting at a table at Mike Dooley’s Soulapalooza event in Carlsbad! Lee Harris, the first channel I’ve ever heard of, on stage. Me – my body starts buzzing, vibrating – ALL OVER. What the heck is happening, I’m wondering. I casually glance around curiously...
People often comment on how full of life and enthusiastic I am and say that they wish they had this much energy. When I reflect on what contributes to my energy, enthusiasm and general positivity toward life, I believe that part of it is having clearly defined values in my life that I use to guid