Registration Is Now Open!

(In order to allow for the most transformational experience, spaces for this immersion are limited!)













Experience More Soul Connection

  • You’re yearning to live and dance through life in tandem with Spirit.
  • You’re desiring more clarity and Soul-guided knowing of your Purpose / mission.
  • You're wanting guidance to live your highest Soul Path.


Expand Your Consciousness

  • You want to live from the higher perspective. Releasing fear & blocks to live your life from ever-higher levels of frequency.
  • You're desiring to open to new senses, skills and experiences.
  • Refine your body and energetic field to maintain the higher frequencies - Your next-level is waiting!


Expand Your Impact

  • You're ready for Soul-aligned action & expression and want guidance, support & accountability each step of the way.
  • You want to quickly recognize and release the blocks, distortions, beliefs that are keeping you feeling stuck, disconnected, in resistance, or in recurring cycles or patterns.
  • You may be feeling like you're "not ready", but you’ve been doing the work and now you’re being called forward to express more fully in a Soul-aligned way.

Connect In Community with Soul Family

  • You're wanting to grow, share, learn & possibly collaborate with like-minded people.
  • You're wanting to Be Fully You, to inspire & be inspired, to motivate & be motivated, to celebrate and be celebrated with your Soul family.
  • You want to talk about things that matter with others who are at the same point in their journey.
  • You want to create healing and nourishing relationships that will last far beyond the 12-month journey.

Register NOW for METAMORPHOSIS with Joanne Cary

In order to allow for the most transformational experience, spaces for this immersion are limited!

Special introductory price of JUST $999 - Register Now!

Message from the Guides about METAMORPHOSIS

“This is a sacred container for those beings who are looking to expand and grow both in consciousness and in their light form to be more of who they came here to be, this coupled with the intention to take those steps necessary, those that they are called to do in order to meet and manifest their Soul’s desires.

This container is where human and spirit align and merge and strengthen this connection more and more throughout the year so that life will be experienced with more ease and the creations will be blessed by the energy of Source in it’s highest.

It is a journey not a destination. It is about coming together in a community with others with like intentions to expand and grow individually and as a collective Soul Group.  To allow the light within to be revealed in its highest at each step for the benefit of one and ALL. It is a service to the whole. To have the Leaders of the Light unite and create together. We amplify the energies of the container, this sacred space so that all benefit. This is individual transformation, a metamorphosis if you will, and it is a collective one as well.

We look forward to being in service with all who choose to step forth."

What people are saying about Joanne & the Guides work...


“I am forever grateful to Joanne. I have been honored to work with her as a mentor and mindset coach for six months. My life is forever better because she has helped me let go of so much that was no longer helping me be the best version of myself. Not only is my personal life better, but so is my organization. When I think of Joanne, I think of her as one of the most impactful people I have had the privilege to interact with. Thank You, Joanne.” ~ Matt B, USA


“I was feeling very stuck and hopeless; like it was too late for me to create the life I wanted. There was a deep sense of something being inherently wrong with me.

After 4 months of working together I feel a lot more positive and hopeful about my future. I feel more open, have more energy, have been discovering things that bring me joy and have been able to connect more with others and meet new people. I can catch my negative thoughts sooner and turn them around and I’m able to move through difficult thoughts, emotions and situations more quickly than before. Thanks to the tools you have given me I feel more connected to my heart, body and breath and I’m starting to love and trust myself more. I feel like the most exciting part about having worked with you is that I now know I have a guide team and I can connect to them. Because of this I have experienced what it’s like to feel at home within myself and this feels like the essence of my journey to becoming more of who I truly am and finding more joy" ~ Julia R. UK


"I have worked with Joanne Cary for many months and she has provided a safe and nurturing environment for me to practice and develop my channeling abilities. She is supportive and encourages me in every way. I don’t hesitate to recommend her as a life coach and teacher in all things spiritual!” ~ Suzi K, Canada

“The New Beginnings Preparation for Expansion was more than I could have imagined. I was thrilled to experience the process of expanding my whole being to hold more light as it continues to shift through the new frequencies. The transmission was uniquely received. I felt my entire being humming after. It was truly wonderful. Much love and gratitude to you, Joanne, and your guides for this magnificent event. 🙏❤️” ~ Sandra H.



The Initiation Call

 Join Joanne, the Guides, your Soul Self and Team as you are initiated into the Metamorphosis Journey of Soul Expansion and service.  

In this Initiatic journey you receive the guidance and direction from your True Self / Soul Self to support & propel you forth into this 12-month journey of transformation and expansion.

Channeled Light Activations

Every month sit back and receive the exact energies & activations you need in your energy field and cellular structure to clear any distortions, patterns or resistance that's coming up through your journey, as well as to receive or ignite any light codes & information needed to keep you expanding, accelerating, aligned and in balance to become more of your Divine Self and live your Soul's Plan in the world.

6 live video calls, and 5 recorded re-calibration transmissions specifically tailored to the needs of the group.

Group Intuitive Mentoring | Energy Sessions | Channeled Q&A

Ten (10) x 75 min live, intuitive group mentoring sessions with Joanne Cary providing both practical, grounded tools & discussions, as well as energetic and channeled guidance to clear roadblocks, resistance on what’s coming up, and/or provide new perspectives to support you as you take your Soul-guided actions steps.

Direct access to Joanne & her Guides at a fraction of the cost of private 1-1 sessions!

Live Community Connection Calls

Live Video Check-in calls to get to connect and share with others on the journey with you.

Share wins, what's been coming up, any refinements to your vision and anything else that's on your heart at the time as we navigate the year.

Through group sharing you are benefited and the transformation for everyone is more potent and powerful.

A Private Community

Connect with the other Soul Family on this journey with you in a private community platform off of Social Media.

Share, ask questions, expand, support and provide accountability and make life-long friends with like-minded people  in this intimate Soul Family group.

Joanne is active and available in this community to share, answer questions & provide ongoing support between live calls.

Easily access all the recordings & activations of the course during the 12 month journey.

Lift & Expand as a Sacred Cohort

Together a powerful vortex container is created to continue the participants on a spiraled  journey upwards in consciousness over the course of this year. As you are supported by the Guides, your Higher Self and Team you will be able to maintain a higher frequency, a higher consciousness and you will see the resulting ripple of this through all of the intentions you have set. It's a powerful journey of growth and expansion that will benefit you and the human collective.

Full Quantum Video & Audio Recordings

The Channeled Transmission & Activation is quantum which means, it's outside of time and space and so it exists in the eternal now moment. Consequently, this means that each time you're called back to re-listen, you’re met with a new experience, and you’re worked with from your new state of consciousness.

Receive both video and audio recordings of each session in Private Community Portal within 24-48 hours.

Additional Teachings / Transmissions

Receive additional teachings, masterclasses or transmissions from Joanne and the Guides tailored to the requirements of the Soul cohort.


I'm ready to dance in tandem with my Soul!

Let's do this Soul!

Register now for the introductory rate of just $999

Lesley G, UK

To be in Joanne’s and her guides’ energies is always a wonderful experience!  And to have channelled answers to any question you ask is just as uplifting and beautiful.  Thank you, Joanne and your guides for everything you share in love for our understanding.  Would highly recommend this experience to anyone else; if you are thinking about joining Joanne and her guides for any guidance, go for it, just do it. Once again, thank you Joanne.

About Joanne Cary

As a leader and guide for wayshowers, Joanne helps you tap into your own innate wisdom and multidimensional self, while learning to release fear, find joy and live an empowered life.

Joanne is an open channel for Source, higher dimensional consciousness and works most regularly with Lord Melchizedek, The Great Teachers, Ascended Masters, Archangels and other interdimensional beings who are supporting the great shift in consciousness that is happening on Earth right now.

Through channeled messages and light language activations, she transmits light encoded frequencies and healing energies as a vessel of Source to support our healing and evolution at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm ready to step into my Soul Mastery & Fly! Sign me up!

3 payment options available

Register Now: $999 Single payment
Register Now: $258 x 4 payments
Register Now: $115 x 9 payments

Are You Ready  to Begin Your Metamorphosis?

Join Joanne Cary, Your True Self and Guide Teams for a year-long journey of expansion to step into your Soul Mastery & Expand your Impact in the world while creating lasting friendships with like-minded Soul family & being supported each step of the way.

Through this transformational journey, you will be held in a sacred energetic acceleration & healing chamber where you will receive:

  • The Initiation Call - In this first live call, you are initiated into this journey as you connect and receive Divine guidance from your True Self & Guide Team that will set your path for the next 12 months.
  • 10 x Live 75 minute Group Intuitive Mentoring | Energy Sessions | Channeled Q&A Calls with Joanne Cary to get personal guidance and support from Joanne & the team of Spirit Guides who are supporting this expansion & accelerator to easily clear any resistance or limitations as they come up, so you can live the fulfilled and joyful life you desire in tandem with Spirit.
  • 6 x Live Channeled Activation Calls on Zoom bespoke to the needs and intentions of the intimate Soul cohort. Be supported in lifting, maintaining and living from the higher dimensional frequencies as any distortions and blocks dissolve away.
  • 5 x Re-calibration Transmissions - Energetic light infusions to realign and re-calibrate your energetics based on your experiences, refined intentions, and new planetary energies following each Live Community Connection Call.
  • 6 x Live Community Connection Calls on Zoom (alternate months to the Live Activation calls) to connect, share and celebrate and make life-long friends with like-minded people.
  • Private Community Portal (off Social Media) to share, grow, ask questions, celebrate, and receive support throughout the year-long journey. You're never alone on this journey. We rise together!
  • Expand as a Soul Group & Maintain Higher Frequencies - As a powerful vortex container is created you go on a spiraled  journey upwards in consciousness over the course of this year. Supported by the Guides, your Higher Self and Team you will be able to maintain a higher frequency, a higher consciousness and you will see the resulting ripple of this through through all areas of your life. It's a powerful journey of growth and expansion that will benefit you and the human collective.
  • Quantum Recordings of all Activations/Transmissions & Community calls stored within the Private Community Portal for easy access.
  • Additional Transmissions/Activations and/or Practical Exercises/Techniques as needed to support the group's transformation and requirements throughout the year.

Still have questions or wondering if METAMORPHOSIS is for you?

Jump on a Zoom call with Joanne

Book Your Complimentary Call Here