7/7 Portal Light Language Transmission & Activation

SUNDAY, July 7, 2024 AT 1:00 PM PDT


As we are shifting and changing so quickly, and as we are going through so many new things and facing lots of disturbances in our lives and world, we can naturally get out of sync with our Divine Blueprint. 

This can leave us feeling off centered, a little confused about next steps and what we’re doing here. It may result in old issues coming up or a sense of feeling stuck or frustrated.

So just like you take your car into a mechanic to get it tuned up, the Guides are going to tune up and realign our systems so that we’re clean, clear and ready to take the next steps in our lives and in our evolution in consciousness. 

✨Are you ready to align to your True Self & Divine Purpose?
✨ Are you ready to release old issues, stuck energies and out-dated identity?
✨Are you ready to find clarity and feel balanced and centered?
✨Are you ready to receive, anchor and ground the higher frequencies to live your highest life in joy, peace and abundance?


Join Joanne Cary in this 30-45 minute channeled light language transmission & activation, and you’ll receive, anchor & ground the higher frequency energies to support you in living your highest life in joy, peace and abundance.  

As Joanne allows Spirit to work through her, all energies are facilitated by your Higher Self, in alignment to your highest path. As you sit back and allow, you receive the exact energies & activations that you need, in your energy field and cellular structure, to release distortions and limitations while igniting those dormant codes and templates to move you forward most fully and in your highest.

Further, as these transmissions are quantum and exist outside of time and space, this means each time you are called back to re-listen to it, you’re met with a new experience, and you’re worked with from your new state of consciousness. So, to allow you the greatest benefit of this event, you also receive an audio (MP3) recording of the session following the call to provide you an opportunity to listen again and go deeper with the activation and transmission.

Enjoy the ongoing benefits and transformation of this Activation!

[You'll receive an email following payment with the event & zoom details.]

Get the REPLAY of the 7/7 Portal Activation!


What people are saying...


Remember when the guides did a healing and opening transmission to clear the throat chakra? Well, I had a paralyzed vocal cord on one side that was causing me to choke unexpectedly on food and water. The doctor used a filler material, similar to Restylane, to fill in the voice cord on one side so it closed properly when I swallowed.  That was four years ago. Yesterday, I went in to the ENT doctor for a check up because I was feeling more hoarse than usual and I wanted her to see if I needed more filler. She scoped my throat and determined that the voice fold that had been paralyzed was now working properly! That I just need some antihistamines to control an allergy ...I am so grateful to the guides for the healing transmission! This is really remarkable. Thank you so much for your part in transmitting the energy. Much love and many blessings to you, Val Savino [Surprise Healing from Realign to Your Divine Blueprint]


The New Beginnings Preparation for Expansion was more than I could have imagined. I was thrilled to experience the process of expanding my whole being to hold more light as it continue to shift through the new frequencies. The transmission was uniquely received. I felt my entire being humming after. It was a truly wonderful. Much love and gratitude to you, Joanne, and your guides for this magnificent event. 🙏❤️ ~Sandra H


OMG!! Joanne just finished her Harvesting Abundance Session and it was off the charts magnificent and packed with so much Light and Love and wisdom from the Angel Realm, The Ascended Masters and all our Guides. The clearing and transmission was beyond heavenly and so powerful. And the Q&A was amazing and so on point for all of the questions. Deep gratitude to Joanne and her Team for the experience. ~ Staci
It was so beautiful Joanne! Love Love Love listening to your light language! The energies are so high and I keep yawning! Thank you! ~Katie
I feel so loved and warm and soft all over. Thank you for this lovely transmission. It is beautiful there Joanne! ~ LU



Light Language  Transmission & Activation

In this 30-45-minute channeled light language transmission & activation, you’ll receive, anchor & ground the higher frequency energies to support you in living your highest life in joy, peace and abundance.

As Joanne allows Spirit to work through her, all energies are directed by your Higher Self, in alignment to your highest path. As you sit back and allow, you receive the exact energies & activations that you need in both your energy field and cellular structure to release distortions and limitations while activating those dormant codes and templates to move you forward most fully and in your highest.

You leave aligned and activated in a higher state of consciousness to embody your True Self.

Full Quantum Audio Recording

The Channeled Transmission & Activation is quantum which means, it's outside of time and space and so it exists in the eternal now moment. Consequently, this means that each time you're called back to re-listen, you’re met with a new experience, and you’re worked with from your new state of consciousness.

To allow you the greatest benefit, you receive an audio (MP3) recording of the session with 24-48 hours following the call to provide you an opportunity to listen again and go deeper with the activation and transmission and to integrate and embody its gifts in your life.

Get the REPLAY for FREE!


Lesley G, UK

To be in Joanne’s and her guides’ energies is always a wonderful experience!  And to have channelled answers to any question you ask is just as uplifting and beautiful.  Thank you, Joanne and your guides for everything you share in love for our understanding.  Would highly recommend this experience to anyone else; if you are thinking about joining Joanne and her guides for any guidance, go for it, just do it. Once again, thank you Joanne.

About Joanne Cary

As a leader and guide for wayshowers, Joanne helps you tap into your own innate wisdom and multidimensional self, while learning to release fear, find joy and live an empowered life.

Joanne is an open channel for Source, higher dimensional consciousness and works most regularly with Lord Melchizedek, The Great Teachers, Ascended Masters, Archangels and other interdimensional beings who are supporting the great shift in consciousness that is happening on Earth right now.

Through channeled messages and light language activations, she transmits light encoded frequencies and healing energies as a vessel of Source to support our healing and evolution at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the REPLAY Now for the 7/7 Portal Event!