Sign up for EXCLUSIVE weekly channeled messages by Joanne, as well as, information on upcoming events, courses & special offers and as a FREE GIFT, get immediate access to the channeled  432 Hz SPA BATH Healing Energy Meditation Activation AND a coupon code for 50% off one upcoming live group channeled call.

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If you’ve found your way here than I suspect you’re feeling stuck in one or more area of your life. You just know there must be more to life than working hard and living for the weekend. Likely you’re either in a career that you’re a little sick, tired & drained from, or you’ve just left it in search of that elusive “something more”. Likely you have a deep yearning on your heart that you can’t quite put your finger on, but you know you're here to make a difference in the world. You’ve probably always felt a little bit different and alone and you can’t talk with your family or friends as they won’t get you. Resonating?




Intuitive Mentoring | Energy Sessions & Packages

Are you feeling stuck or unclear on your next steps regarding a particular personal situation or question, or do you sense your “energy is off” or blocked? Or are you looking to accelerate your evolution in consciousness? Then these sessions may be for you.

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Access Divine Wisdom - Private Channeled Sessions

Are you looking for a higher perspective on your current life or circumstance? Do you questions and want some personal guidance or  messages from Spirit, higher dimensional beings or Angels? Want to access higher frequencies of energy? Then these sessions may be for you.

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Custom Light Language Activation

Ready to receive high frequency energies, & activate dormant codes of Light to live the life of your dreams and fulfill your Life’s Purpose?

Ready to release blocks and to activate more of your Soul in body so that you can step into your next level of Soul Mastery? Then these sessions may be for you.

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Nice to meet you!


Hi, I'm Joanne, and as a leader and guide for wayshowers, I help you tap into your own innate wisdom and multidimensional self, while learning to release fear, find joy and live an empowered life.

More About Me

Joanne's Events and Courses


As we are shifting and changing so quickly, and as we are going through so many new things and facing lots of disturbances in our lives and world, we can naturally get out of sync with our Divine Blueprint. 

This can leave us feeling off centered, a little confused about next steps and what we’re doing here. It may result in old issues coming up or a sense of feeling stuck or frustrated.

So just like you take your car into a mechanic to get it tuned up, the Guides are going to tune up and realign our systems so that we’re clean, clear and ready to take the next steps in our lives and in our evolution in consciousness. 

✨Are you ready to align to your True Self & Divine Purpose?
✨ Are you ready to release old issues, stuck energies and out-dated identity?
✨Are you ready to find clarity and feel balanced and centered?
✨Are you ready to receive, anchor and ground the higher frequencies to live your highest life in joy, peace and abundance?


Join Joanne Cary in the REPLAY of this 30-45 minute channeled light language transmission & activation, and you’ll receive, anchor & ground the higher frequency energies to support you in living your highest life in joy, peace and abundance.

Free / Pay What You Wish Event - Learn more


Join Joanne Cary, the Guides, the Lyrans, Isis and others for the quantum replay of this live, interactive channeled event & Light Language Transmission as you embark on an experiential journey to re-calibrate and refine you to your next-level of Divine Frequency so you can amplify what you're creating and manifesting in the world.

You aren't going to want to miss this event.

This 90 minute event includes:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching from higher dimensional consciousness to support you in this evolution of consciousness, creating from your multi-dimensional self and opening to true abundance.
  • Channeled Light Language Transmission: Leave cleared of distortions and lower density energies, as well as, expanded and aligned to create from your Divine, infinite potential and be open to receive all the gifts and prosperity that are waiting for you.
  • Q&A provides an opportunity for attendees to ask a question directly to Spirit.
  • Quantum Video & Audio Replays are provided to all registrants at no additional charge within 24 hours of the end of the call.
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Embark on an experiential journey of expanding your Light Quotient in preparation for all that's to come in 2024.

Enjoy the REPLAY of the live channeled online event & light activation by Joanne Cary hosted during the 1/11 portal on January 11, 2024.

This 90 minute event included:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching from higher dimensional consciousness, to support you in preparing and receiving all that this year of abundance and expansion has to offer.
  • Channeled Light Language Transmission: Not only will you leave cleared of distortions and lower density energies, you will have expanded your capacity to hold more light in your body, allowing you to express more fully as our Divine Self! This means you'll release fear and those things keeping you feeling stuck. You'll find more joy and live from a state of empowerment -- and who doesn't want more of that?!?
  • Find your own clarity and answers in the Questions & Answers asked by the attendees. Spirits answers are often universal and many found their questions answered through the questions of others.
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Join the Sirians, the Lyrans, the Dolphins, Great Lion Spirit & Archangel Michael in this powerful and transformative event.

Embark on an experiential journey of aligning to your divinity and claiming your power as the vast, Divine Creator Being that you are.

This 90 minute replay of the live channeled online event by Joanne Cary includes:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching to support you in your evolution of consciousness and in understanding your multi-dimensional self.
  • Channeled Energy Clearing Transmission & Realignment process. Experience a special merging and uniting of our Divine Feminine & Masculine so that you can operate in tandem with the Unity and Oneness of your Divine Being. Also, engage in a powerful "energetic surgery" and clearing of the "seat of your Soul", the pineal gland. 
  • A Question & Answer period where Spirit answered questions from the attendees.
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Embark on an experiential journey of remembering who you are, and the vastness of your being outside of time and space.

Join Archangel Michael, Lord Melchizedek, The Order of Melchizedek & The Council of Elohim Angels on this transformative and powerful journey of experiencing who you truly are!

This 90 minute replay of the live online event includes:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching from higher dimensional consciousness to support you in this evolution of consciousness and in understanding your multi-dimensional self. We truly are BOUNDLESS!
  • The Journey - Channeled Mediation & Energy Transmission starting with Archangel Michael safely guiding us into the great Void of pure Creative Potential, so we may experience and align more fully with our Higher Self or Soul Self. We were also joined by Lord Melchizedek, The Elohim Council of Angels & The Order of Melchizedek. Leave vibrating at a high frequency, expanded and aligned to create from your Divine, infinite potential. Revisit again & again to reconnect and learn to maintain your multi-dimensional self in form.
  • Q&A provides an opportunity for attendees to ask a question directly to Spirit.
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Join the Archangels, Lord Melchizedek & other Masters in this powerful and transformative event.

You're supported in aligning to your Divine Blueprint so that you can fully receive the true abundance that is your Divine birth right.  Enjoy this transformational event!

This 90 minute replay of the live channeled online event by Joanne Cary includes:

  • A brand new channeled message and teaching from higher dimensional consciousness to support you in aligning to your true abundance.
  • Channeled Energy Clearing Transmission & Realignment process where you get to sit back and receive the exact energies & activations you need in your energy field and cellular structure to support you. Leave regenerated, nourished and realigned to you divine blueprint so you are ready to receive the bounty of your Divine inheritance.
  • A Question & Answer period where Spirit answered questions from the attendees.
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Light Language "Play-date"

Enjoy the replay of the live channeled online event by Joanne Cary hosted on August 25, 2023.


Join Joanne Cary for a 90 minute channeled Light Language "Play-date" with Higher Dimensional Light Beings, Consciousnesses, Angels, Fairies & Inner Earth Beings as they "sing" through her to gift us with new frequencies, codes & information to support us & humanity in our lifting in consciousness. You receive just those energies & that information in your energy field that are for your highest good & healing while anchoring them on this plane for the benefit of all.

This is a call to Lightworkers and Wayshowers who know they are here to anchor and share light! We are traveling through new parts of the galaxy that we haven't been before and there are so many new Beings of Light who are looking to support us in our transition to higher consciousness!

Thank you for choosing to be an Ambassador of the Light!

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✨ Are you ready to release old "baggage" that tethers you to lower frequencies?
✨ Are you ready to expand your Divine Connection?
✨ Are you ready to activate new Light Codes in your energetic bodies & DNA?
✨ Are you ready to Accelerate Manifestation in your life?

Enjoy the replay of the live channeled online event by Joanne Cary hosted on November 11, 2023 at 11:11am, during the 11/11 portal. 


Join Joanne Cary in this special 45-60 minute Channeled Event & Light Activation, amplified by the potent energetics of the 11/11 Portal, and you’ll activate, anchor and align to higher frequencies to support you in embodying your True Self and thus, living and creating your highest life in joy, peace and abundance.

This event included:

  • The opportunity to share with other Wayshowers allowing greater transformation.
  • Activate additional Codes of Light in your energetic bodies and DNA.
  • Open to your next level expression as a Divine Being of Light in form.
  • Release layers of distortion, dissolve old “baggage”.
  • Open to a new way to view and experience the world.
  • Align to a new way of creation and manifesting in the world.


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Want to get Activated or Meditated?  :)

Check out our selection of channeled audio Guided Meditations, Light Language Activations and Energy Transmissions to help you clear limiting patterns, connect to your own innate wisdom and to activate dormant codes & information to help you fully step into your Soul mission and create the life you desire!

Ontario, Canada

"Working with Joanne has been insightful and inspirational. Joanne gently pulls you in the right direction, even if you aren't quite ready. She awakens your truth so that you can truly see your full potential."


Cathy P.
Ontario, Canada

"I loved this course. Joanne is a fantastic speaker and her love of life, her energy and her journey are very inspirational. I am already using these techniques and feel the change in my life. Totally recommend this course."


Suzi K, Canada

"I have worked with Joanne Cary for many months and she has provided a safe and nurturing environment for me to practice and develop my channeling abilities. She is supportive and encourages me in every way. I don’t hesitate to recommend her as a life coach and teacher in all things spiritual!"

Farah Rafiq
Ontario, Canada

"I entered this program, lost and confused. In 3 short sessions, I was able to learn so much about identifying feelings, as well as finding clarity in my goals and aspirations. I have never been able to definitively identify what I want to do in life, until this course. It was so uplifting and inspirational. Joanne is such an upbeat, positive, and life affirming individual - her personality just beams as a bright light and radiates towards everyone around her. She created a safe and comforting space for us to learn and share. Thank you - it was an absolutely fantastic experience!"

Julia R. UK

I was feeling very stuck and hopeless; like it was too late for me to create the life I wanted. There was a deep sense of something being inherently wrong with me.

After 4 months of working together I feel a lot more positive and hopeful about my future. I feel more open, have more energy, have been discovering things that bring me joy and have been able to connect more with others and meet new people. I can catch my negative thoughts sooner and turn them around and I’m able to move through difficult thoughts, emotions and situations more quickly than before. Thanks to the tools you have given me I feel more connected to my heart, body and breath and I’m starting to love and trust myself more. I feel like the most exciting part about having worked with you is that I now know I have a guide team and I can connect to them. Because of this I have experienced what it’s like to feel at home within myself and this feels like the essence of my journey to becoming more of who I truly am and finding more joy.

Judy H.
Wales, UK

In the world of conscious evolution and spirituality there are many rabbit holes down which you can get lost and I have done a fair few those over the last 30 years. Joanne is a very clear guide on the journey to freeing yourself from limitations, both self imposed and projected. And not next week or next year but in the now. She’s holds a very strong vibration of truth and light so that even the most well worn beliefs begin to dissolve with her guidance. She provides a big hearted, broad minded, non judgmental space for freeing yourself up for a more joyful and fulfilling experience of who you truly are and guides you on the path to creating what you truly desire.

From the Blog

You're doing Great! Keep Going!

Oct 05, 2024

3 Practical Tools for Navigating Change with Peace & Ease

Aug 11, 2024


Sign up for EXCLUSIVE weekly channeled messages by Joanne, as well as, information on upcoming events, courses & special offers and as a THANK YOU, you will receive immediate access to the 432 Hz SPA BATH Channeled Healing Energy Meditation AND a coupon code for 50% off one upcoming live group channeled call as our FREE GIFT to you!