ACCELERATOR MODE! How to create & manifest at high speed!
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A New Year and a new you. That is the thought of so many this time of the year.
As your calendar year, your structure of time flips over, and you begin again. You give yourself permission to start again. In truth, in each now moment you are made new. In every choice, every decision in the eternal now moment, every moment is new. You refreshed with and opportunity to make a new choice and be a new you. So indeed, in this moment that you sit listening to our words, you are made new.
And the choice is who is that new you? How does that new you Be in this new moment of now? As we look forward in your calendar year, as we look forward to the energies that flow in this year of 2023, it is a glorious time on this planet. So many of you who have felt stuck in the last year, who have felt that you have spent more time inward and less time moving outward, where that you felt that the energies were keeping you still, there is great opportunity this year for you to advance. To be propelled forward in your consciousness and as you propel forward in consciousness so much changes in your outward reflection; the world that you experience. The energies on the planet, the energies that stream in from the sun, The Great Central Sun, from all the beings who support the planet right now, you are in an accelerator mode.
For those who are awakened to their shift in the consciousness, it is in this time that you may find that those creative projects that have been on your heart begin to take flight, for the energy that you put on them in the last year, the energy of being nurtured in the etheric is now coming in in times into your physical reality.For those who have not been noticing the shift, who have been living on autopilot, more and more the energies are going to shake, the energy is shaking to wake you up, to wake you up even further. Bringing forth into your awareness those things that need to be let go. That get to be let go in this new time, in order to have the most joyful and more calming experience. However, the shaking will continue, the shaking will continue and it’s a simple matter of perspective. In choosing not to shove it to the basement, to bury it and not look at it, but to give it full attention when it comes up in any now moment. Not to spend the next now moment on it if it is not there. For you want to focus your attention on the energy that’s flowing, those creations that are ready to move forward.
But in order for some of those creations to come into your physical manifestation some of those things that are going to bubble up to the surface of your awareness get to be let go, for the new cannot be received when you are holding tightly to the past that is no longer serving you, that is no longer needed for your growth and evolution at this time. And so as you begin to take a look at those things that are not serving, you can make a conscious choice as to whether you wish to continue to have that focus in this year ahead or whether you are ready to let it go, ready to let it resolve itself for the energy is looking to move, this year is in flow, this year is moving, the energy wishes to move more and so those stuck, dense energies in the body, the blocks you’ve had in your field will be pushed. They are going to come to your awareness as they are ready to go with the flow. And you get to allow it to go. It’s your allowance, your permission to let it go.
Now dear ones, we understand that this will mean that your voice will be in hyperactivity mode. Your mind that is been keeping you safe for all of these years, keeping you in your comfort zone, keeping you from doing those things on your heart, for fear of being hurt, being rejected, not being successful or being too successful any of those and so many more. The voice will try to keep you where you are at. Even if where you are at sucks in your opinion because change is not something that the human likes. That has been trained into you. It is what you have been taught and now you get to embrace change, you get to make the uncomfortable comfortable and you get to move each day in choice saying “I hear you. I hear you mind. I hear what you are trying to say. You want me to stay the same. You want me to be safe. But I am safe and I am choosing to do this thing that I am called to do, that is on my heart, that I know is joyful to me and that lifts me up in excitement, that lifts my energy. I am choosing to take that step now, come with me. Come back into my heart and come with me and see what an adventurous time we can have. We are safe and we are guided.” For you are always safe and you are always guided.
Embrace the flow. Embrace the waves. Be like the surfer in this year to come.
Follow the energy, go with the flow of any project that is in your awareness and as it slows down let it go, for now. And catch the next wave of the next project. This may mean that you have multiple things on your heart that are being worked on in perfect ebb and flow. Like the waves coming in crashing against the shore. You are one and it settles out and then a new one. And you ride those waves of your projects of those things you’re wishing to accomplish, those things you’re wanting to create in the world and allow yourself to move with the ebb and flow knowing that they will be created and released in the world in perfect time. You cannot miss out on anything that is for you, but you can do it in the most joyful way and as you live from joy, as you live from love, as you live from that peaceful center, that is the energy that goes into every creation that you are manifesting into form. And it’s those high energies, coating everything that you do, that brings it forth even quicker for you. And when you are in that flow, just recognize those things, those little voices that are keeping you back, those little events that maybe happened in the past knowing that you can release those things easily, allow them to flow past the wave that you are on so that you may continue to flow and create in such love and joy in this year to come.
There will ups and downs dear ones, but that is ok. That is the adventure, that is the fun and excitement.So go forth with curiosity, be the adventurer. For there is so much opening for you as you say yes, as you allow.
Choose to see those things that are going right. Choose to be grateful for all that you have. Enjoy this experience that you are in, this is why you are here. You are here, to one step at a time, open to each new experience, each new level of joy, each new creative thought and as you allow yourself to experience and fully indulge and savour each experience, that indulgence, that savouring is also infused into your next now moment where you will get an opportunity to savour and enjoy the next thing and the next thing. Because it is through your being that all is created and when you are being in your highest state of frequency, the frequency of joy, the frequency of love, the frequency of peace, as you are allowing yourself to align to that natural state, your natural state you create with exceptional speed, exceptional joy, exceptional beauty. And more and more you ride smoothly on this river of your beautiful journey in form on this planet as this time.
We are so pleased to be connecting with you right now. We look forward to being on this journey of this new year in your time. Blessings to you each as you venture forth with the courage, the persistence, and the love in your hearts. From our perspective you are beaming so brightly already.
Keep it up. One step at a time. One moment at a time. Made new in every moment. You are free on this path that you follow. Enjoy it. Love it. There is so much goodness for you ahead. We see you. We love you. And until we connect again, we send you oh so much love.
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