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Channeled Quote on importance of maintaining balance

Hold Your Balance: the challenge of these times

channeled message channeled quote channeled quotes maintaining balance tips and practical advice Dec 08, 2024

If you like this channeled Monday Message through Joanne Cary, subscribe to our weekly Messages at the bottom of the page and also receive some free gifts as a thank you!

Greetings dear ones. In times of great change it is a time where learning to maintain your balance in energy and in the physical form is paramount. It is your challenge as the leaders at this time, whether you consider yourself one or not, to hold the balance as best you can in each moment of your day.

This doesn’t mean that you are not rocked off balance.

This doesn’t mean that you are in a positive state all of the time.

It doesn’t mean that you are always in your knowing or your highest.

It doesn’t mean that you stick your head in the sand regarding all that you see out-pictured in the world. 

This doesn’t mean you walk on water or perform miracles necessarily. 

But it does mean that regardless of what is out-pictured before you, you recognize it, you are aware of it and its impact on you, and you choose to bring yourself back into your center, into balance. 

That is the choice. It is your choice in how you respond to the reflected world in which you live.  It is using the tools you have accumulated to pull yourselves back in your harmony, balance, peace.  And you will find that the more you do this, the easier it gets. It is practice. It is muscle. It is strengthened through experience of living it.

The great thing?  As you learn to do this with ease, and we suggest that you all will over time, you give this ability to the world, to others who come behind you. Energetically, the imprint, the code if you will, is impressed in the field of humanity and is accessible by all. As you live your being, as you live in this way, you role model for others that it’s possible. You role model for others how it’s done; one way to do it.  This is a great service in the times to come even beyond what it is in this moment.

Use all the tools you have to practice bringing yourself back into your center, into the peaceful, still point of your being. Operate as best you can from this place in all of your daily activities.

Some ask how? What are the practical ways?

We respond that the ways are infinite and personal. However, you all know many methods. For instance, and to name a few, practice meditation, walking in nature, breathe work, prayer. Doing something that brings you joy and happiness. Perhaps call a friend, read a book, cook a meal, play a game, meet with friends, create some art, swim. It matters not. These are all ways, and you are each unique and no one way will work for all. So learn, be curious, explore what the ways and practices are that work for you. Ask others in your community what they do. Try it out. If it works adopt it, if it doesn’t let it go. Do what works for you. All the wisdom you need is found within. Seek it within yourself for you are the wealth of information that you seek.  Ask and ye shall be told.

Take a deep breathe in.  You are doing so well.  In these unprecedented times of change, each one of you who reads these words are excelling.  Don’t judge yourself or where you think you are at. Don’t judge yourself against another. Be you. Focus on you and what you need, and you will be served well.

We love you each and until we connect again, we send you oh so much love.


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