BE YOU! An inspiring message on being your unique & authentic self.
We can never tell you this enough. We can never tell those who read these words enough.
Just BE YOU! You do not understand the power that unfolds to you as you BE YOU!
This means, yes, releasing the false beliefs and identity you have created to keep yourself safe and loved in the past. But it means MORE to BE YOU now in this moment. To find those things that light you up and bring you joy, or the closest emotion you can get to the frequency of joy and to do those things. Even a few minutes at a time. Do you understand this?! If you are waiting until you feel better, until you get through this energetic shift, until the stars align or mercury isn’t in retrograde, the finances are available, you have the right partner and friends, you are missing it! You are missing this moment as one that would seek to propel you forward.
If you wish to advance, if you wish to move forward, if you wish to feel unstuck, then dear ones, you must prioritize yourself, you must choose, choose, choose, to do something each day that lightens and brightens your heart. Not tomorrow, not the next day, now. This moment, or this very next one.
Do you know what brings you joy? Some of you do not. Start feeling into it. Start to remember. I am now remembering those things that bring me joy. I am choosing to do those things that bring me joy.
Do IT! BE YOU. You. Your unique frequency is needed. YOUR unique gifts, skills, abilities, energy is needed! It’s needed today! Today! Today! Even if you feel like a puddle, even if you feel like nothing is working, that nothing is worth it, this is exactly the time that you are needed, both for yourself and for the world.
You have the strength to persevere, and you have the strength to find a little light. You can. You are light, dig a little deeper and you will find it glimmering, waiting for you to see it, acknowledge it. Do it now. We’ll wait. [waiting].
Did you find it, even the tiniest spark? Yes. Good. No? Please look again. We’ll wait. You must choose. It is your choice. We’ll wait for you always. Will you look again?
You are needed!
You BEing you! Not someone else!
You BEing fully you in your love and heart expression. You!
You are the missing piece of the puzzle. You’ll find your spot, your connection. You are all connected through the pieces, you just have to keep taking a step forward until your unique spot is found and, in the interim, enjoy the search, the exploration and the fun as you meet other pieces doing the same.
We love you.
The puzzle is coming together beautifully. Keep going.
We’re here and we’re waiting.
Your light is growing brighter by the moment.
Be you in all your glory.
Be you!
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