Those who hear these words are Emissaries of the Light. For many lifetimes you have prepared for this time on this earth in this moment. Many of you have lived lives as warriors. Fighting for the good of all. And sometimes not so successfully. You come here with great skill with much wisdom, earned over lifetimes.
But dear Emissary of Light, dear Lightworker, Wayshower, there is no need to carry the sword in this lifetime. Your role of strength and courage is one of the peaceful warrior, the one who models through her being how to see the love in all. That is not an easy challenge dear ones. For from your warrior days, you are used to battling, you are used to having an enemy or foe, you are used to fighting and that energy is still within you field in most cases.
And the time that you stand in is one where you will ultimately release that pattern, that energy from your field, so that you can truly step into your union as one in knowing yourself as part of the whole, that what you do to another you do to yourself. Those are not just words, it is the truth, an action of energy and you dear beings of light, light is energy, everything is energy.
You will be challenged in this lifetime if not yet to come for as things are tumultuous around you as things are changing and being reknown around you to lift them to the higher field, the higher level of consciousness it will be through your being, through your heart, through the peace and joy that you are that you are able to support most and it will not be in contributing more combative, dualistic energy regardless of the circumstance you face or that which you think you must fight. There is no energy put in fighting, in anger that does not create more of it, for it is of fear and fear simply recreates itself.
This does not mean that you will not feel anger, that you will not feel fear for you are here to help transmute those emotions through the feeling of them, through the triumph of them. But you do so through remembrance of who you are, through that connection to your Soul Self, your Divine self, that presence that exists in the stillness that you find perhaps in mediation, that you find perhaps in nature, wherever it is it matters not but it is in the practice of finding that still point within you, where you know, feel, sense, experience yourself as part of the One.
Although you still hold form and you know yourself in individuation, each day, each step you take you will know yourself more in the oneness of All That Is and it is through that experience, it is through always looking to the highest, not denying feelings that you may feel for they are presenting themselves to you in each moment for you to transmute, for you to fully feel, acknowledge, realize and receive what they are gifting to you. But then in as much as feeling them, you then release them, see them through you higher eyes, of your larger self, your Soul Self.
You dear Emissaries of Light have chosen this most challenging role for you are strong, you have lifetimes of experience that have prepared you for this time; for this exact time. And you knew that you would face those days where darkness seemed to envelope you fully, but you knew, you knew, you knew that you had it within you to see the light. That on the darkest days you would look within to the still point of your being to the vastness of who you truly are, and you would reignite and nourish and nurture that flame until it grew and as it grows, it releases all that kept it in darkness. You are this light and your light is needed on this plane right now. Feel all the feelings that come up for you and allow them to be transmuted, to be released, to be lifted, for you are love. You are light. You came here to be the bearer of that light for all. And each one of you who walks forward bearing the flame of your Soul, you join with others and the world becomes ablaze with the new consciousness. Burning away the detritus that holds there still in the fabric of the collective but your light, your flame transmutes it all. Alchemical you are, as you allow and gift yourself to feel and experience more of the light that you are.
Go forth and shine, let not any cloud dismay you.
Walk forth in the courage and the knowing that you had when you came and that is still there growing and being nurtured as you allow.
You are needed now. You are needed now. You are needed now oh Emissary of Light. Put down the sword and be the hope, the light, the joy, for it is so much stronger. It is creation itself. In its full knowing. You are that. You are love. You are light. Be lifted and gifted. We sing to you the song of Creation so that you may feel it in your cells, know it in your body and claim it into form.
Blessings to you each, on this adventure, this journey of a lifetime. You chose it. You are prepared and you are doing so well. Keep it up dear being of light. Be more you in each moment. Be true to you in every moment.
We love you. We love you. We love you. And until we connect again, we send you oh so much love.
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