How to Navigate, Create & Manifest in 2023 - The High Council of Orion
We are here and we are the High Council of Orion. We are pleased to be connecting with you right now and are grateful for the invitation to speak through this channel.
On this day in your time, you stand in a great moment of energy where the energies are indeed pooling and supporting you to thrust yourself forward. Think of it like you standing on top of a geyser getting ready to spout out and as you stand there you feel the tremoring of the energies that are about to propel you forward into the unknown. This is not necessarily comfortable. But indeed, it is very supportive and productive to you and to the species.
The energies that you stand in right now are gently vibrating your system, shaking loose those things that are wanting to go. For as you shift in consciousness, as you vibrate higher you loosen that crusted on clay, you loosen the dust and debris that has been blocking your true light. And as that vibration gently, and this can be gentle dear ones, as you allow it, as it continues to vibrate and break off those things, you will be propelled forward in these energies. And so, aligning in the general direction with where you wish to be as you are propelled forward will support you.
At this time, it is not as productive, we would suggest, that you make plans that you hold onto tightly. When you dream, dream in ways that you get to direct yourself but not tie yourself to, for when the flood of energy is pushing you forward it will likely push you beyond to something better than you have thought about. And so as you contemplate your new year, as you look to towards this new year coming, dream in detail but do it without attachment. For as you feel what it is you wish to experience, as you feel in your cells what you wish to experience, as you frame that emotion, those feelings, with pictures, you allow the guidance to take you in that direction.
And if you know dear ones, that where your Team’s take you is for your highest, that everything is happening for your benefit, do you give yourself permission to trust the process? Do you give yourself permission to trust that you are ever supported in the highest? Do you give yourself permission to trust that your Soul Self knows you better than you know yourself? For they exist outside of the constraints of time and space, were with you when you planned this life in form, know every dream that was on your heart, some that you have forgotten. And so, will you give yourself permission to trust this grander source of being that you exist within, who loves you as no one else can love you? Knowing itself as love, and as love as part of The All. And if this is so, if you give yourself over to trust that every step that you take, every desire you have to feel the joy, the love, the peace, the balance, the abundance, that is your natural birth right, if you allow that to be aligned to your True Self, you will propel forward from the geyser of energy into the New Year, through the new year and beyond with a creative potential that you have not known.
2023, a year of grand expansion, a year of great energy, propelling you forward. Align to your heart. Align to your divine connection. Dream fully and allow yourself to be guided by the hands of your Team and your Soul Self in the highest way. We see this potential and we say don’t be fearful of the energy that is building around you. It may seem turbulent as you are propelled forward, but just like an amusement park ride you are safe. You are safe on it as you fly forward.
Be in excitement, be in joy, and be in wonder. Each of those will support you. Joy, excitement, and wonder. Be in your curiosity in each step that you take. You are guided and you are loved, and you are supported by so many. We are here for you. We support you as well, as many of the Galactic families do. And for now, we shall step back. It has been a pleasure. This has been the High Council of Orion.
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