Up-Level to the Next Version of You - Light Language & Energy Transmission
May 11, 2024Below is the written transcript of this channeled video transmission from May 11, 2024. If you'd prefer to listen to it, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to: https://youtu.be/W2EcejOUJiE
Will you say yes to step more fully in-line with your Divine Self?
Hi, I'm Joanne Cary. Welcome back to my channel and that's the invitation that you have today. The world is in great change and it needs you to be shining your fullest light. And the Guides come through with a transmission and light language activation to bring you more fully in alignment to the Divine Self that you are. I hope you say yes. And enjoy their message and their transmission.
You are coming into a time on your planet that is unlike any time that you have seen before. You see that the times currently are very tumultuous. This as the remnants of fear come bubbling up to be seen, worked through, through the energetic fields of all in order to move beyond, in order to move beyond. Many are held in the grips of fear. Seeing those things that they don't like out pictured in the world in a variety of ways, in a number of ways. Every person vibrating in their energy fields in resonance to those things that are looking to come forth and to be released, by the collective. Every individual, yes, will be seeing those things reflected in their own life, that ultimately have contributed to what is being seen in the collective world, in the world you see around you whether it is close to your home or whether it is over a sea or on a different landmass, or deep beneath the ocean. It matters not. Every single being is playing a role, has come here for this time, this great shift in consciousness. We know that this is not new to many who hear these words, but it is important for you to know that regardless of where you are on your path, that if you are seeing things reflected in the world around you, those things are still in resonance with your field. You still contribute to holding them in place. And it is as you allow yourself to see the smallest distortions, the smallest frustrations, the smallest judgments, the smallest complaining, the smallest denial of yourself, as you allow yourself to see those tiniest of reflections in your life and take accountability and responsibility for them, it is at this time that they can easily clear. That they can easily be removed one layer at a time. And as you do this, you come into an experience of oneness that is unlike anything that you have experienced.
Some of you through use of chemical, through use of plant, through use of other methods have experienced a oneness. And then have returned to the body. To integrate as much as you can. And so some of you may have an idea of what is coming. It is beautiful. It takes time for all of the structures that need, need to be re-seen, need to be realigned, recalibrated if you will to hold a new way. To hold peace, to hold love, to release the threads of separation that have kept you in this state for far too long. There is so much more available to you each and those who are leading this path, those who are the leaders of light, those who listen to these words. You are walking this path for a purpose. You have decided and you have chosen and you have been seeking, and it is not to simply feel better. It is not to simply have a better life, a better job. It is to be The light. It is to be your fullest expression. Do you understand?
If you simply want a better life, a better job, to feel like you are contributing to your betterment, even the betterment of the world. Yeah deny all that you see around you, then you will have much to learn. You will have much to go through. These are not scary words. This. This is simply a call. A call, a call, a call to deep within you. A call, a call, a call deep within your heart, within your being, for your divine self to take a step further forward. And this takes the one who hears these words. This takes your choice. To welcome your Divine self, your True self more fully into your form.
As you stand with us right now, as you know that you are here to make a bigger difference in this world, that you are here to shine your light brighter and stronger, and you just want to know how, you want to be called forward. Well this is your call forward. And this doesn't mean that tomorrow you'd have a different job or different life. This means that you have offered yourself in service to your highest, to your soul, to your Divine Source light. And that you will be walked forward one step at a time into this fulfillment, to the highest of your ability in this lifetime as you continue to say yes. But this is your will aligned to the high will. This is your will, aligned to the high will. Thy will not mine be done. The high will be done. Not mine, not the small will, the personality. The self that has kept itself small, safe, in fear and separate.
Allow more of yourself to come forward, invite it forward. Your choice, this is your choice, this is your choice to invite now, in this moment, from the depths of your heart and your Soul and your cells. To call forth more of your Divine Self presence.
Come forth, come forth, come forth, I wish to dance with you in this lifetime. I wish to be in my full expression in this lifetime. Please come and show the way. The High way. The way that I may know joy and peace and love in this lifetime in support of all.
And as I say these words I am gifted with it.
I will be held in gentle hands, in masterful hands, as I grow the wings to fly. [light language]
As you stand as you allow as you feel the energies
Hold your hands out to be greeted by your Divine self. For you to come forth more closely together, for you to merge energies together, for you to step more fully into your Divine self.
See yourself. Hand in hand with your Divine soul, the Divine aspect, the spark of God, the Universe, Source itself.
See the light of your being, being held in the light of your Source.
See all of you beginning to grow into, beginning to come in to, beginning to align into the template of your Divinity.
It is the time for you to step more fully forth. And as you say yes to more of you inside of you, as you say yes to the fuller alignment of the Divine spark to the beingness that you are as you allow their will, your will, your high will to be done. It shall be done.
And your life will be changed and we say it will be changed in ways, in miraculous ways, in high ways that you would never imagine. You will be gifted in ways and more magical and beautiful ways that you could never have imagined.
For did you come here to suffer? Did you come here for pain and grief? No, every lesson, every learning that your Soul came to have can be, it can be realized and experienced in a high way or a low way. And we say that when aligned and merged with your Higher self, as you step forth as a light as the being that you are in allowance to be guided, being open in stillness to listen and to take action as you are called forth in love. You will see your life changed. Holding on to everything that is needed for your next step. And releasing all of the fear. All that is no longer serving you. And this can be done with ease. With ease, with ease. And much quicker. Very quick, we shall say. As you have said yes, know that it is done. It is done, it is done. And it only now takes time, your linear time to move from the energetic completion into the experience you live within your life.
Do you understand that within the framework of your beingness it is done and it simply needs to move within? It's simply needs to move within the time frames of your life, in order to be out pictured in the density of form that you are in? Is done and we are so pleased for those who have said yes, for those who now step forth into the next layer, the next stage of their evolution, in support of humanity at this very, very critical time.
We support you as we can. Your teams support you as they can. And as you continue to say yes, say yes, say yes on those days when it doesn't feel like it's right, say yes on those days when it feels amazing, say yes, in the days when it's not what you like. For you are always, always, always taking that next step forward, to the next highest step for your evolution, and for the support of a world made new.
We love you each, we bless you each on this day. Thank you for your service.
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