FIND OUT YOUR PURPOSE + How to release fears & doubts & be the beacon of light for others!
Sep 30, 2023Below is the written transcript of this channeled inspirational video message from August 21, 2023. If you'd prefer to listen to it, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to: https://youtu.be/-0DUFBjGL-Q
I’m so excited to share this message from my Team. Hi, I’m Joanne Cary welcome back to my channel and in their message today they speak to the times that we’re in and the critical role that we have right now. What to do when we’re called into fear, what do we do when we’re feeling those fears and doubts coming up. And it feels to me like we’re in the Super Bowl, the biggest game of the whole year and our coach has brought us together to inspire us, to give us the tips and some practical guidance on how to navigate it so that we can fully be the beacon of light at this time. So it really is a call to action. It is loving. It is powerful. It is inspiring. And I just hope you love their message and that you come back and listen to it every time you need that motivation, you need that pick me up to take you forward as we go through these transitional times. Enjoy their message.
We are here and we are so pleased to be connecting with you on this fine day of your time. So much is going on in your planet, so many new things are happening with the Earth, with her energy and thus also with the humans and all of the beings who are on the planet right now. Isn’t it exciting? We suggest that it is. And we would suggest at any point you find yourself contracting in fear, based on what you hear, based on what you think might happen, based on the news that you hear, based on how things are being described to you or projected to you, it is your role dear light worker at this stage of the game to hold your light. It is for you to be very aware of your system, to be very aware of what is coming at you and to have that filtered through not your personality structure self that is in transition, but through your I AM presence, through your Divine Self, through your Monadic self. That is your challenge right now.
You were built for this time. You were built for this time. Do you understand that? The physical vessel that you are in right now is in transition, you are in transition, thus it is in transition for the time has come for you to become more of you in the body that you possess for this lifetime so that you may shift a world, so that a new world may be born and you are the ones who are anchoring this in, who are the lights through this major transition. This is an incredibly special time on the planet. Very few of all the Souls in all existence, across all timelines, dimensions, space, galaxies and creations got to be here at this time. Do you understand how powerful and significant and prepared you are for this time? Very. You are very prepared for this time, despite those moments where you think that you are not. Despite those times where you doubt that it is possible. And when you experience those doubts, those fears, those contractions, those memories, that is the time that you have to go within yourself and recognize them, feel them, allow yourself to acknowledge them, to call those parts, those fragmented aspects of yourself back into your heart center, the connection with your Soul Self. That is your job.
You ask often “what is my purpose, how am I here to serve?” That is your purpose. Your purpose is to be the brightest light that you can be. To transmute, to dissolve all of those things that are coming up for you now and if you think that the news, if you think that the events of the world, the inventions of the world are exciting now, we tell you, buckle up for the times they are a changing and you dear ones are leading the way, you are the anchors of the light. As mother earth shifts, as she shifts, as she takes on more light, as you take on more light, your role changes. And you are the beacon of light that will join together in a network of light around the globe to support all, to support all. You are that powerful. You are the creator beings who are here laying the path for the future.
You, dear ones, are the Wayshowers, the leaders of the leaders. And that means that you gotta pull up your socks. That means when you are feeling scared you “gotst” to go within. You have to go within yourself to that connection to yourself. To that still point within you, that balance point within you, where you know. Where you tap into the vast power of your being. The vast connection of information that you brought with you to support you in this time, for standing firmly anchored on the earth in this time, being the light for all. It is no mistake that you’ve opened when you are, that you’re here right now, that you’re hearing these words. This is the call. This is your time.
You are venturing into a new age and you are walking ahead of many. And you are going to be holding your hand out to support all who are around you, of all beings, of all types, of the earth herself. That’s what you signed up for. Don’t be fearful. Don’t be afraid of this, for you are magnificent, brilliant, multi-dimensional Creator beings. And you got to be here because you are that. You have done the work. You’ve put in the time. You have the skills and they’re all encoded within you. You have everything you need inside of you and the more you go within you, the more you come into you, the more you trust you, the more you honor who you are, ask to be more of who you are, you stand taller than you’ve ever stood and you stand brighter than you’ve ever been. And you shift a world because of this.
We are proud of you and we’re proud of every step that you’ve taken and we’re proud of every step that you will take. For we know that you are courageous. And we know that you are the brightest of the bright. And you are here to shift a world and that world gets shifted with you first. It’s an inside job. You know this and this is the time to truly realize it; to fully know it. Hmmm.
Take a deep breath in dear one. Breathe it deep into your heart. Invite yourself now to connect more fully with your Divine Being. Ask to be braided more, to be woven more with the light of your truth. Bring that more, anchor that more right now into the earth as we invite the presence and consciousness of Earth to fully form around us, to fully contain us in her power and glory and as you invite down around you your Soul Self, your Divine Self as the weaving is strengthened, as it is nourished more fully. As more of you comes down into you, the earth supports you in anchoring it in the physical body and anchoring it into the earth. You are powerful beings of light, believe this and look at any part of you that raises its voice now that says it can’t be so. Love on that part, that is just a small aspect of you that is afraid. That has been through an experience that has separated it from itself, from you. Bring it close. Hold it close within your heart, you can. It just wants to be held. Hold it. It is you. Bring it into the wholeness within you now. As you fully engage more fully with that being that is you, the vastness that is you, that is connected to the All, that is within the quantum, that is creating, ever creating this masterful new earth that is forming around you. Bringing into the timeline, into the form that you’ll be seeing out pictured in perfect time. Walk the walk now. Walk the light of the being of light that you are in truth. Hold your knowing that you are a master creator being here for a purpose, here to usher in a new world.
We celebrate you as you should celebrate yourself in every moment. Look forward with excitement. Let not the exterior out picturing waiver who you know who you are. Hold firm in your knowing that you are safe, that you were build for these times and that your time is now. And with that said. We shall step back. It has been a pleasure connecting. Blessings to you each.
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