Anchor Higher Timelines
Nov 23, 2024Below is the written transcript of this channeled video transmission from November 11, 2024. If you'd prefer to listen to it, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to: https://youtu.be/KjapX9QME-o
Hi! I'm Joanne Cary. Welcome back to my channel, and today the Guides talk about just how it's the brightest time on the planet right now, and despite what we might be seeing reflected in the world, they explain how it is the brightest time, how we might be experiencing it, and how we can most easily navigate everything that's going to be coming up for us. I hope you enjoy their message.
We send you such greetings of light and love on this day. We share with you that you are in the brightest time that you could imagine. And we know that when we say that, many of you go “you are crazy. The world is upside down.There is so much hatred. There is so much warring, there is so much happening that seems contrary to it being the lightest and brightest time.”, and that is because you are seeing the out picturing of the light. And even that is confusing to some.
We will take a step backwards, rewind it if you will, and remind you that you are light, that you are energy that has taken a physical density known to you as the body. And your body consists of the physical form, yes, and all that's within it, as well as the subtle energy fields that are around it, creating this beautiful vehicle that you walk and navigate your world within. And then around you are others and everything. Mother Nature, everything radiating light, everything in various levels of vibration and various forms of density. And flowing in from the sun, flowing in from the galactic center, flowing in from the stars and from the beings around you. Whether you are aware of them or not, the earth is receiving, you are receiving so much light, so much coating of energy, that is flowing through the earth, through your bodies and with this you are becoming more light.
And what this means is that the cells within your system, the field around you, the energy field around you is receiving higher vibrational frequencies of energy. And as that begins to resonate within your fields, at that higher level, your field begins to lift just like a tuning fork, yes? This, the energy that is coming in, the light is coming in at a certain vibrational frequency. Think of it as a tuning fork, tuned to a higher vibrational frequency and it is equivalent to the Source energy, the Source spark within your being; that one note sung that created all that you see around you. And as that light comes forth, and it begins to vibrate within your being, your energy field begins to lift.
And as it begins to lift, the physical vessel must also release that which is not in accord, that which is not like to what you are now receiving and agreeing to in a higher level, for all of you are Source, all of you are this higher frequency in the essence of your being and yet you are coated, we would say, or you have taken on beliefs, structures, patterns, understandings of the world, based on history that have your vibration vibrating lower than that which is your true essence.
And as the light comes into the earth at the level that you can hold, your body begins to shift, your energy begins to shift, and this out pictures within your life, things that are not in accord with it, are not in resonance with it. And as that happens, you are asked to see what it is that is present for you in the moment that you are in, so that you can determine if it is something that is still serving you, something that is still needed. And we would say that in most cases what comes up that you would find unpreferable is something that was created in history, and something that is now looking to be transmuted, re-seen, or released.
And in this moment of your time, as each one of you is going through your own individual processes, so is the world around you, for you are all part of a collective field, a collective field as of humanity, and as that, has its own creations in the world you see around you.
And so some of the challenges, some of the disagreeable things that you would look at in the world around you, are simply the manifestations of the energies that are no longer in accord, no longer in alignment or resonance with the energies that are coming into the planet, the planet herself and everyone who is contributing to the higher frequency energies through the shifts they are making in both form and field.
And so it is true that this is the brightest time, and the out picturings that you see are simply being brought forth to your awareness so that you may review and reflect as to the choices that have been made, and whether what you see is what you are choosing going forward.
And as each one makes their choice, both at the human level and at the soul level, the frequency will continue to shift upwards, and we will tell you millions and millions of you are awakening to the Divinity that is you, to the fact that you are more than you have believed yourselves to be, and that there is so much love and support and light available for you to support you in navigating everything that you see coming forth in the world. And we would also say that there is so much on the precipice of being born in the world right now. You will be surprised at what comes forth that will simply lift your heart, surprise and delight you in many ways. And as that works its way through your linear time and space, it requires for you to also see what is present for you today in this moment and in this moment, and in this moment.
We would suggest that one of the very best practices that you can support yourself with right now is to continue to bring your presence back to the very moment that you are in. Catch when you are in the past, catch when you are thinking old thoughts that are not actually reflective of who you are right now, or the experience you are having around you. And then catch yourself if you start thinking about all the things that are going to come, or that might happen and again bring yourself back into the moment.
Leave any dire predictions, leave any undesirable thoughts where they are - in some other now moment and be in the moment that you are in, very present to what you are experiencing in the room, in the moment that you are in.
And as you get glimpses in your mind of those delightful possibilities, feel those energies in your system. Feel how your field and your body feel when you tap into a possibility that is of a higher vibrational frequency and allow yourself to note and make note of in your field, in your body, anchor it in of that coordinate, that GPS location of that higher future, that higher moment, that higher dream that you may be having. For in truth all time is now, in this perpetual, eternal moment that you are in. And anything that you see, or sense is simply another moment that you are not in but that can be aligned to through the frequency that you feel when you tap into it.
So indeed, the times that you are in it is critical with the accelerated energies to be very clear on where you are placing your focus, to be very clear on what you are expanding in your world. Is it what you want? Will it excite and delight you? Will it bring you joy and love and peace? Perhaps some playful delight?
If your thoughts and your focus are not bringing you forth that which you prefer, you are that powerful to change what you think, to be present in the moment that you are in, and focus on the possibilities that bring you joy and peace and delight. Love all of the emotions you would wish to feel. The light is supporting you. The light is supporting you in every thought that you think and the more you choose to align to your highest, aligned to the love, aligned to peace, aligned to joy, aligned to the source of your being, that is that high frequency of the world that's being born, you will see more and more that your life and the world you see around you, your experience of it, will reflect that higher level frequency for indeed, like attracts like and as you focus on feeling the highest, as you focus on being aligned to your true essence, your divine self, you anchor more of that in the physical form, and more of that, ripples out into the physical environment you are in, more people open up, the world lifts around you. You are that powerful.
We send you so much love and light today. Receive our love. Receive the energy of the transmission that we've been speaking through our words. We send you such love and so many blessings for this day, this moment, and each of the moments in this eternal now.
Blessings to you each on this day, and for now we are complete.
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