What to do? Structures crumbling, Divisiveness, Anger, Fear. Practices for Navigating This Time.
Oct 27, 2024Below is the written transcript of this channeled video transmission from October 14, 2024. If you'd prefer to listen to it, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to: https://youtu.be/ktsjYK9-Mgk
Hi! I'm Joanne Cary, welcome back to my channel. And today the Guides come through with a powerful message that touches on spiritual bypassing. It touches on the duality and the turbulence and the tumult that we're experiencing in the world right now on all levels. And how can we maintain our highest vibration with all this happening around us and what we need to do in order to have the most graceful experience of this time, even when things might not be as we would like them to be. I hope you benefit from their message. Enjoy.
Greetings to you each on this day. It is a pleasure to be connecting. It is a wonderful time on the planet. There is so much energy coming in, so much light coming in, and you are changing so fast, each and every one of you, whether you are aware of it or not.
As you continue to walk the path that you are on, as you continue to see the tumult within the communities, within the world, as you begin to see the structures fail that have been built on fear, as you continue to see all the things that you have not wanted to look at, both individually and collective come up for your viewing, we must say that you are in choice. You are at one of the greatest times where choice and discernment are so important for you. For your choices are indeed creating the experiences that you have. And as you awaken more further to who you are, and, as you understand more how the universal energies work, and you look around the planet, when you look around your lives, it is easy to see things that you think should be changed. It is easy to see things that are not as you would like them, or think they should be on the path of ascension, on the path of the evolution of a species. And the first thing that we would say to you is that every single human being on the planet, and every consciousness, in fact, has a unique purpose and a unique role to play on the earth.
You will know what your path is as you walk the path that you are on. Because everyone has their own path, you cannot look to another for your path, nor can you project the ideas that you have about the right way or the wrong way that someone should lead their own path. Each person has the experiences they came with to have, and they will have them in order for their Soul's growth, and it may be nothing like what you think it should look like, the same will be [for the path of] others to you, if you think that you know best how anybody else, whether it is a family member, a spouse, a friend, a child. If you think that you know how best for them to navigate their Soul journey, you are wrong. The only being who knows their path is themselves. You are the only one who knows your path as is each other person around you. And what this means is that you are going to see things that are not as you would like them, and you will need to be in choice and decision and discernment as to what action you take going forward that feels in resonance with you. And we would say, align to the truth of your being, the divine self, when you are discerning what is right for your path, and that you are not allowing the fear structures, the limiting patterns and beliefs that you have accrued over a lifetime to be the one guiding the what is best for you.
You may do this, but you may find that it becomes more challenging in the days to come because your personality structure self, the self that you've come to know yourself as, is going to continue to want to keep hold of all of the things that it thinks it should have, the ways that things should be that it is liked and benefited from in the times past. And we would say that in most cases these things are going to change.
And so what does this mean for you? As the world continues to experience the shift in consciousness that is created through the individual shifts in consciousness, meaning that the collective consciousness is an energetic compilation of each individual's path, you are going to see more and more things shift, crumble, fall, transform, transmute, become different, and this is going to seem to be scary to the small self, to the personality structure, to the you who you thought you have been. And as you navigate this time, and as you see, the differing viewpoints, for indeed, as the times change, people will become more and more grounded, firm in their opinions as to how things should be. This will cause further divide, further division within your societies.
This can have impact on how you feel, how your body absorbs the energies. This is why we share often that it is important to watch what you consume. It is important to watch the thoughts you think. It is important to watch the judgments you have. For all of your thoughts are creative, and all of your thoughts are going towards creating the energetic match for your out pictured reality in the next now moments.
So as you are faced with the fear out-pictured, as you are faced with political divide, as you are faced with world events, catastrophic natural occurrences that bring forth fear, know that fear itself calls more fear to it. And so, as you shake hands with fear that is what you are aligning to energetically, and that is what you're calling more to you.
But you get to decide. What is the path you are going to take forward? Are you going to listen to the media? Are you going to listen and absorb and consume the fear that is being directed towards you. You know by now that there is no media that does not come with intention behind it. And in most cases of your media, of the news it is bringing you forth towards more fear because it is sensationalized. It gets viewers.
You get to be in your discernment as to how much of that you allow into your energetic structure. How aligned are you to that? And we would say that the best way to determine this is through how you're feeling and through the experiences you're having. There is no reward for suffering, you know. And if you choose to go into agreement with fear, with judgment, with conflict, with debate, that’s the energy you're bringing back, that’s the energy you're absorbing into your bodies, that’s the experience you're going to continue to have.
And so one of the questions that was asked of our channel was around spiritual bypassing. Is not ignoring what's happening in the world, pretending it doesn't happen, isn’t that bypassing what's happening and isn't that as bad as engaging with it?
And we would suggest that there is a difference in what we are suggesting. It is not to say that you are not aware of what is happening in the world. It is being aware of how you are judging it, how you are wishing things to be different. It is about recognizing what is happening in the world, sending love to it, yes. And allowing yourself to move on from it. And if in any situation in the present moment you are in, you are called to action to say something, from a place of neutrality, not from a place of defending your position, not from a place of making someone else wrong, not from a place of you needing to be right, because remember back to what we said at the beginning, you do not know the path of anyone else, and what they need for their evolution. You don't know what path they are on, and what experiences they must have to balance energies within their own system. So in circumstances, and we think of an old phrase, “when you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all”, can be beneficial.
But where the phrase “spiritual bypassing” comes down, is where you are repressing those feelings within your system. So it is not saying that you are agreeing with what you see happening. You are allowing yourself to acknowledge it. See it as a path that has been chosen. Know that you get to contribute to a positive outcome, a higher timeline, or a higher frequency energy, by anchoring the light of Source, by understanding that there truly is no right or wrong, there simply is the perception of such things. That everything is experience and you can choose to learn in any way that you wish. You can choose to learn through pain and suffering, or you can choose to learn in a higher vibrational environment. And that doesn't mean that you won't have pain or grief, or upset, but it means that you're able to see it without the judgment, the condemnation, the anger, the fear that is so prevalent right now in your environment. You can be aware of something and engage with it in fear, or you can be aware of something and engage it in light, and we must say that this is a practice, and this isn't about being in meditation for a few minutes a day, and then going about your life, treating your neighbors poorly or condemning another for their behavior that is different than how you think. Because do you see how that has challenged the world? Each country perhaps, each people perhaps, thinking that the other person should be behaving in a different way. Perhaps because they look a different way, they are condemned. They love in a certain way, they are condemned, or they are praised and held to a higher standard. All of these ways of judgment and fear are ways to control, are ways to feel safe, and this starts again at the individual level and works to the collective. Countries, governments, organizations are a collection of individuals, each carrying their own fear structures, their own light and frequency, all combining to create the collective of that town, that space, that city, that state, that country, that continent. It all starts and ends with you. What are the choices that you're making?
And again, we say that you can learn through whatever choices that you make. But if you are like this one that we speak through, who prefers to have a more joyful light, loving and peaceful experience, we would say to you what we say to her is that utilize your experience, how you are feeling in any now moment to guide your next choice, your next decision. Ask, is this expression, is this talking, is this consuming going to move me closer to the way I wish to feel or not? And from the very moment that you are in, be aware of whether you are in the present moment or not, or are you having some future potential conversation with somebody, a family member, a friend? Are you looking at some potential outcome that may happen in your society, your government, your world, your finances? Are you judging yourself for something that was done in the past, or something else someone has done? In either of those cases, you are giving away your power, for the only place that you can impact change, that you can impact your life and experience, is from the moment that you are in. That's the only moment that you are creating in and have the power of creation within.
And so, as you sit in the very moment that you are in, and in this case you are listening to our words. What are you called to do in this moment? What are you called to do in the next moment. If you are faced with a circumstance, for instance, you see someone who is without food on the street, and you have the ability to provide them food, that is a choice that you get to make to support your fellow human. If you are faced with an argument or a debate, you are in choice as to whether you engage in it at that level, or whether you choose to disengage from that, send light and lift the energy of that space, of those people, so that they may tap into the higher selves of themselves. That will perhaps change the course of that conversation, of the world.
You came here to feel all the feelings. You came here to experience a vast multitude of experiences in this lifetime. But suffering is not required. Everything comes down to choice and discernment, and we would say that if your choices are creating a painful experience for you, mentally, emotionally, physically, then do an inquiry practice to simply understand if there is something that needs to be seen in order to be released. Is there something that you're not feeling, something that you are pushing down that needs to be seen in order to be released? Do that from the moment you're in. If you're feeling the ache in the moment, be in inquiry in that present moment that you are in. What memory comes up, what thought comes up? Where are you feeling it? Send love and light to that aspect of the body. But in many cases, when you inquire that is enough to be able to move the energies for you, to acknowledge that you are feeling a certain way to acknowledge that you are angry about something, to acknowledge that you are in judgment and that you're willing to let that go, knowing that you are not in control or privy to anyone else's journey but your own. And if you, from each now moment, make a choice with the intention of it being the highest to support you in releasing what comes up for you in the moment that you are in, it will be much easier for you to move from moment to moment to moment.
This is a time of great opportunity. You are opening to more and more of your multidimensionality and this comes with the practice, with learning how to navigate within the reality as it shifts and changes. This was something your soul chose to be a part of, to experience, to really tangibly feel in your system. But recall that everything happens in an instant except through the time space construct that you are in. And so you are able to shift much more quickly, learn much more quickly than you believe you can. But if you continue to focus, if you continue to focus your attention and intention on the things that are going wrong, on the darkness, on the things that you would prefer to be different, that is what you are aligning to, and that is what you are creating more of.
So even when you see those things, acknowledge them, acknowledge what you're feeling when you see them and then allow yourself to move on from it. And if there's a part of you that's fighting it, there's a part that wants to put up their dukes and have a confrontation, understand what the intention of that is. Send some love to that part of yourself that feels that they need to respond in that way in order to feel safe, to feel like they're a part of something, to feel that they're enough, or whatever it is that you are feeling. For in any case, where you are wanting to fight back, you're wanting to get your own way, you’re wanting for yourself to be right or another wrong, those are fear energetics and that will not get you to where you want to go. It will not get humanity to where it is looking to progress to in its evolution.
As you continue to allow yourself to feel what you feel, as you continue to make different choices, as you continue to be in discernment about the actions and choices and things you see, and make ones that carry you further to what you wish to experience, and away from those things that may be less preferred. Again we state, not by ignoring it, not by saying it's not happening, not by sticking your head in the sand, but simply by allowing your awareness to say, I see this. I recognize this, and now I'm going to bless it. I'm going to lift it in love. I'm going to wrap it in love because you are that strong. You are that powerful. When you hold the higher frequencies within your field, you can change the world through that. Like attracts like, and higher energy always wins. Higher energy, always lifts, is perhaps a better way to say it to move away from a dualistic perspective. Your higher vibrational frequency, others will lift to it unless you choose and agree to shake hands with the lower vibrational, dense energy. It is all choice. View this as a game, view this as a movie, view this as an opportunity to be so present with what you're feeling in the moment that you are in, responding only to what it is in the moment that you are in, and when you catch yourself, either in the past or in the or in the future, say what is happening to me right now? What is before me right now? And am I in harm's way? Am I simply creating a story that is agreeing to a lower vibrational frequency?
You can do this. You are equipped to this, but it does take conscious awareness. It does take you being aware of the thoughts that you are thinking and making choices over and over again that lead you towards the path you say you wish to move forward on. And as it feels good, as you feel light, as you feel expansive, you know that you are on the path forward, even if it doesn't look like you think it should.
It has been a pleasure to connect with you on this day and for now we are complete.
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