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Find Untapped Parts of Your Soul's Plan AND Have Faster Manifestations!

Feb 23, 2023


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Celebrate. Dear Ones celebrate.  

Celebrating is something that you do not do enough of and it is not fully understood. You celebrate births, you celebrate weddings, you celebrate in some cultures even the transition out of life, but we say to you celebrating in your everyday moment will support you in more expansion, in allowing more light into your body, allowing you to access more of the great things that you look to create and to manifest into your life experience.  

Celebrate all things. Celebrate the moments when you do something well. Celebrate the moments when you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone and tried something new, regardless of how it may have seemed to be received. Celebrate those others who are doing those things, creating in the world, sharing their gifts, sharing their light, for as you celebrate, you are sending that energy out very similar to gratitude. Even though gifted to another as you give that energy, that frequency of celebration out into the world, out onto another, it is like a boomerang that will come back to you. 

We wish for you to think of somebody who is doing something that you would like to do in the world. Maybe they are sharing a book, maybe they are doing a course, maybe they have had a child, maybe they are sharing in some other way, can you celebrate them? Can you fully celebrate their ability to manifest and express in the world in accordance with their beingness? 

This is an important thing to test with yourself. You may be easily able to celebrate the birth of a new baby, or someone’s wedding, but if you are celebrating and you are giving them the celebration and are happy for them, also make note of where, or if there is somewhere within your system that contracts slightly, that questions “but what about me? I want to do those things. Why did she get the promotion? Why did they write the book? I want to do those things.”  

When you look at any resistance, any contraction that you have against celebrating the success of another, that is a beautiful opportunity and signpost for you to know that your Soul is knocking on your door. When you feel those things, when you feel that resistance, the “but what about me’s?”, those are called within your field for you to call in and begin to step out, to begin following those signs so that you can be in full celebration of yourself. When you get a contraction around celebrating another’s success, that is simply an indicator that there is an untapped into aspect of yourself that is looking to be fulfilled in this lifetime. And the question is, will you take a step towards it? As you notice those things, notice that you get an opportunity to move forward in your own evolution, your own experience and growth, and it is at that point that you get to choose to celebrate anyhow. And celebrate within your own mind, your own success at that thing. 

As you are celebrating the success of another, in whatever creation or manifestation they have brought froth, see yourself celebrating that same thing. For as you can fully feel into that celebration, that excitement, the beauty of it, you do not just gift it to another, you gift it to yourself. You are never in celebration, just as in with gratitude, you are never in gratitude just for yourself or for another. You are all one, you are all connected and so as you celebrate another, you are celebrating yourself. As you celebrate your own successes, you are sharing that with the field to support others in sharing theirs, and in celebrating their successes. 

You rise as a collective. Each individual may be a bubble that goes up first, but ultimately you are all lifting and so as you learn to fully be able to celebrate another’s success, to support another in taking their steps forward, you are helping yourself too. You are all one. You are all taking these steps together and as you support another you are supporting your own growth and evolution. 

It is beautiful dear ones. So do celebrate all of your successes, celebrate all of the successes of those around you, celebrate the successes of those who are doing the things you wish to do. Pay attention to those small distortions, for they are lighting your way to paths yet walked. Giving you an opportunity to step more fully into your manifestation, as your fullest self, as this Divine Creator Being of Light.   

Dearest ones, you are so magnificent. You are creating in every moment, so why would you not use celebrating as just another way to accelerate your expansion and your growth and your fulfillment and your joy, for all of those things are natural derivatives that come from you being in celebration, for you being in gratitude for self and others.  You are beautiful, beings of light. Allow yourself to ignite the celebration within, the celebration of all, so that you may all lift and expand even further, with even more things to celebrate on this magnificent path you are on. We love you. We love you. We love you. And until we connect again, we send you oh so much love. 

Channeled by Joanne Cary on Jan 30, 2023 

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