Allow your heart to swell.
Allow your heart to breathe.
Allow your heart to expand out.
Allow your heart energy to permeate all that is around you.
Allow your heart energy to weave its way through time and space moving to and through all who need it.
Allow your heart energy to nourish, replenish, rejuvenate you and everything it comes into connection with.
Time and space an illusion. Heart energy, light energy loving and weaving, lifting and lighting. Seeding everywhere, everywhere, everywhere with your frequency. And as it continues to trace its flow, it’s like water to the seed. The seed begins to sprout and grow. Each loving seed of your heart energy sprouting and growing roots around the world. Felt without being known. Uplifting without anyone knowing. Lifting and creating pockets and portals of love. Nourishing, healing, energizing. Expanding. Expanding. Expanding. Each center expanding weaving light threads, expanding out like tendrils reaching and connecting to all around it and when it finds another’s light seed, the tendrils inter-wind. They grow and connect creating a woven garden of energy, nourishing energy.
A world lifted and gifted with your heart energy.
Mixing and creating with others.
A new love, new lives, a new world woven with love, of love, as love.
One heart, your heart, then other hearts, and more hearts.
More hearts become many hearts, many hearts become thousands, thousands become millions, all impacted, none not impacted.
Do you see the art of the heart in expansion?
Do you see how the heart creates when it is allowed to swell, expand, and to breathe out?
Your hearts, so many still protected, so many still guarded, so many still contracted. The time has come to allow the protection to fall away, dissolve and dismantle. The time has come to allow the trauma of the heart to be healed, easily, easily. It is time. It yearns for connection. It yearns to be all it was intended. It yearns to grow and weave, to create and nourish, nurture and love. Its desire grows, its yearning grows, it’s time for release, release, release,
The heart is strong, it is not weak.
The heart knows, so much more than you think.
Gift your heart the freedom it seeks, so it can gift you its beauty in return. So, it can gift the world in return.
Dearest one, we love you so. We feel your love. We feel the light threads of your heart weaving and seeding. We love you so. We love you so. From our heart to yours and beyond. May the world be lighted and gifted with the love of all that sings through the song of your heart.
We love you sweet one and until we connect again, we send you oh so much love.
[Channeled Jan 7, 2023]
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