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Channeled Quote: All answers are found within. Everything that you seek, is within yourself.

How to Find the Answers Within

channeled channeled message channeled quotes inspiration monday message Jul 12, 2024

All who read these words are seekers. You are well on the way down the path of remembering in fullness who you are and who you have always been. The eternal you in your vastness and beauty.

You are doing very well. You are becoming lighter each day whether it feels like it or not. New thoughts permeate your mind as more of your spirit is able to transmit to you in ways that you recognize and know.

We wish to remind you all on this day of one thing – all answers are found within. Everything that you seek, is within yourself.

This is a mental concept for you at this point and more and more it will become experienced. This can be challenging, but the more you can embrace the inward journey into yourself, your self-exploration the easier the days that lay before will be.

You have learned from every angle of your existence that everything is outside of you. That what you seek are tangible, material gains in the outer world. You’ve been told that your worth and value lay in what you do and how much you have.   What you are returning to now is the remembering that none of that is true.

You are value and worth through being. You are a part of the whole, created by the Creator of All. You are not separate but the longing you have inside, the desire for more you have, is for more of yourself. More of the connection with the Divine Creator that is calling you forward. And dear one, that “forward” is in fact inward, to the Source of your being, to that connection, that bliss, that joy, that fulfillment that can only come from within. Through your connection.

You can seek outside of you, and you can gain much material wealth, but you will always be want for more. It is only as you go within and find the connection and nurture your connection to your true essence that you are fully filled with the joy, fulfillment, peace that you seek. 

This is not an unattainable goal dear ones. We lead you not on some strange path to despair. We lead you home to yourself, so that you may bring that light forth into each cell of your body and anchor that knowing of yourself here fully on this plane and in doing so a new world is born.

You are the light for all those who come behind you. It is manifest first in the ethers, then in your energetic field and then in your body.

However dear ones you must make and nurture your connection to your Spirit, to your True Self, your Divine Soul Self.  And you do this alas by slowing yourself and coming into the stillness.

It is in this stillness that spirit rests and is known.

You are taught to do, be busy and keep doing and acting. That keeps you from the Source of your being and your connection. It matters not how you get there. Meditation is one magnificent way. But you must decide that you will be still. You must decide and intend to connect and then sit with yourself.

When the thoughts you’ve been nurturing to run rampant in your mind do as they’ve been instructed for years, simply say to them that today, for right now, they are not needed, and let them run from your mind.

Be in the stillness. Sit in the stillness with no desired outcome but to be there and to connect with the Source of your being, your Soul Self.  Do this consistently. Do this daily if you can for even just a few moments.

It is the intention to connect and to be still and then taking whatever meager action in that direction that you can that is important.  Give yourself this gift. Give the world this gift.

You are here to live in joy, know joy. You are here to remember who you are and know and experience this connection in your physical body. The time has come.

Be the lights that you have always been. Allow the skin of the old to release from you so that you be made new without the limiting structures you have only known.

You are aided in this as you ask. You are loved at each step. We are here. We love you so. And in stillness you will know us more.

Blessing to you each on this blessed new week.


A channeled message by Joanne Cary

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