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A channeled quote by Joanne Cary:

How to Change Your Life with Small Actions

channeled channeled message channeled quote choices how to intuition mindfulness mindset Jul 19, 2024

In times of great change, which you find yourself in at this time on the planet, we invite you to BE in the present moment. Your power to navigate this time rests in the moment that you are in.

Your energy is creating your next moment, your future if you will, in the moment that you are in. So where is your focus in this now moment? Are you creating the future that you wish? Is the energy, emotion, thoughts creating the joyful, peaceful, loving life that you wish for? If not, this moment is the perfect time to choose again.

Everything is a choice, even no decision is a choice. Choose a new thought, a new action. Shift your focus to all that you are thankful for, all the things you love, as this will shift your vibration upwards. It places you in a position to create from that higher energy.

In each moment you can choose your perspective, in each moment you can choose your state of mind, in each moment you can change your state to something you’d prefer more. 

There is no action too small to shift and change you. For in the intention of shifting, you gift yourself with additional “fuel” to move you that bit closer to where you wish to be. 

Dear ones, you may feel overwhelmed, you may feel tired by the trials of the moment. This is ok and it’s natural. But we suggest not letting those emotions lead the way.

Take back the reins of your thoughts in each moment and shift your vibration higher to support you. 

You can. You can. You can. 

One moment at a time, 
one action at a time. 

You can do this, our magnificent, powerful beings of light. 
You’ve just forgotten. 

We love you. We love you. We love you.

And until we connect again, we send you oh so much love.


~A channeled message through Joanne Cary

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