Sending Love & Light to the World Visualization
Dec 21, 2021I had just finished a channel and the energy was so good, so I asked if I could just sit in their energy a while. They said “Indeed”. Then a few moments later I heard:
“Shall we send some light and love out to the world?” Of course I said “Yes” and so we did. I beautiful visualization that I wanted to share with you all! I hope you enjoy it on this beautiful day!
[I don’t have an image that matches the image they gave me, but this pic with the sun behind the tree from the other night is beautiful.]
Deep breath in. And another. See the world before you in all its beauty. Glowing with green and blues with a glorious illuminous white, rainbow light radiating from it. As you intend to send from you, through you, the light of Source, the ever loving, ever flowing, powerful source of life, go deep into your heart ❤️.
See the full connection made as your channel connects, your heart connects with the Source of All.
Now see the flood of energy flow in and through you and then out from your heart out on to the globe.
It floods the world in light. See it flow like a fire hose from you, spraying into the atmosphere of the earth.
It spreads out fully covering and filling the atmosphere, then the surface and is then permeating down into the central core of Gaia herself.
See it like a rain shower of bright light, bright white rainbow light, sparkling within as it come down, hits the mountain tops, hits the treetops, gently caresses, and nourishes the birds, down it comes fully flowing into each person, each being.
First through the energetic bodies, then down into the physical form and down into each being’s core.
Reuniting Source with Source.
The light flashes brilliantly in recognition and response.
The light within each being magnified and blasts back forth sending even more light back out into the world, into the planet.
Now billions of new light fountains receiving and transmitting Source energy.
The planet glowing beyond what you can see or imagine with your minds. A lifting, a loving, a healing, a knowing of who you are sweeps the earth.
Be still and know. It is done. It is done. It is done.
Allow. Receive. All have received and will unfold with its use in perfect time. Each at perfect times.
All. All. All.
Each one.
No one is left. All come.
In your expanded light, remember. In your expanded light know. In your expanded light BE.
Blessings to your each. We send you so much love.
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