Spirit Connects You To Your Worth
Jan 18, 2022I just asked if my team had anything they’d like to share with us right now and here’s what they shared. May it support us each on this journey of remembering our wholeness and worth.
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Oh dear ones, as you venture about in your day, be in the knowing of your worth. Each of you are worthy. Your existence on this plane, on this Earth makes it so. So many from life born in density, through experiences and teachings have lost their sense of worth.
Little by little the worth you entered the world with was eroded, tarnished, lost beneath a heavy blanket of shame.
Oh dear ones give yourself permission to reknow yourself in worth. You are worth. Say, I am knowing myself as worthy. I am worthy. I am deserving.
Feel how that feels in your body. Recognize and acknowledge anything that comes up for you with love.
You are an aspect of the creator in form. You are a spark of the divine. You are worthy and could not be any other way.
Allow the layers of unworthy, and not enoughness to release from you, from your thoughts, from your field. Invite all that isn’t serving this knowing to be released. Invite it to go now.
Feel the energy in your system, in your body and in your field spiraling and as the spiral accelerates it gently carries the unworthy, and shame from you.
See it go. Feel it go. Sense it go. Know it is going.
Continue to see the spirals spin until you feel the completeness at this time. All that was ready to go, to be gone through your intention and allowance.
Breathe in now dear one.
Breathe in the true worth of your being.
Breathe in the pure light, the pure bright light of the divine that is you.
See it from the outside coming in and also from your heart pouring out. Filling each cell with pure divine light, filling all space in-between. Filling your mind. Filling your field. Filling your throat.
Feel it filling you. Sense it. Know it to be so. For we support you in this now. Allow and receive your worth.
I am worthy. I am loved. I am lovable. I am divine.
Breathe dear ones. Breathe and know it is so.
Be still in the knowing of your worth.
Be still and know.
You are loved. You are Source. You are God. You are the light.
You are blessed dear ones.
Stand in your knowing of your worth. Be the light that you can only be in truth.
You are love. You are loved. You are loved.
Blessings to you each.
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