URGENT MESSAGE: The energies, our bodies & how to navigate these times
Thank you for accepting our invitation to communicate with you right now. We wished to speak to you of the energies that are flooding into the planet right now. You know already about the 2023 energies in general from our previous communications, but we wish for you to understand just what a significant opportunity exists for you and all who wish to be in full conscious reception, to receive. Know that with the energies both as you agree to them more fully and simply by being present on the earth plane at this time that you may feel the wobbles, shifts, disorientation, dizziness, nausea. In some cases, people may have what they consider flu-like symptoms of shivers or sweats. Keep this in mind. There is so much happening and available for humans right now. So much accessible. It is wonderful but as you open it can be a little shocking to the system. You can regulate the speed that you receive it. You can ask for it to be filtered in at a slower speed if it gets too overwhelming for you. For we also suggest that it is imperative that the Wayshowers and light workers maintain a sense of balance, or as much harmony as they can in each moment. This supports not only them in shining brightly but it also supports the collective who may not be understanding what is happening to the human body and may have a tendency to fall into fear.
It is an incredible surge of energies, hold tight. This is exciting and should be seen as such. You have so much more available to you know and will begin to more and more experience it in your daily experience. Know that you are always prepared for what is coming through. Know that you are safe in this. The body knows what to do. You are being supported by many and most by your own team of hand-picked guides who know you very well and have been with you a very long time and further your vaster Whole self is fully and completely aware of all that is going on. The challenge is that most are not connected nor in direct communication.
[Is there anything people can do to support themselves?]
Be gentle with the body. Listen to its needed. If it needs movement, move. It is needs rest, rest. Get out in the sun. Connect with the earth she can help disperse excess energies. As you know, hydrate the body. That allows the flow of energy to move through you and allows all the organs and muscles to run at their optimum. If you’re thirsty in body, you are already quite dehydrated. This is the state of the majority on the planet. So drink up. If you find yourself getting into panic, overwhelm, the shakes simply come back into your center point, your heart center. Connect back to yourself. Connect back into your heart center. To your Source Self. This natural state of peace and balance will be supportive.
We are very pleased to be connecting. You are doing well. Keep riding the waves. We are here as you request and are needed. We support you and are available to all. It has been our pleasure. This has been the High Council of Orion.
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