You Are The Miracle
Jul 15, 2024As you begin to realize that you have an aspect of the creator inside you and that as a creator being you’re creating your reality at every step, you begin to understand and know just how powerful you are.

You begin to understand and can work with that creative force to change any circumstance in your life for the better.

You begin to realize that everything you need to solve the hardest challenges exists within you already and this means that you’re the miracle you’ve been looking for. 

You can look outside of you all you want for the solution, but that thing you need to change is on the inside. 

Take a step out of the drama, the overwhelm and step into a peaceful moment with yourself and ask to be shown, asked to be guided. You will be.

Ask what you could do next to support you on this journey of peace and transformation. The answers are there inside you.
You are the miracle you’ve been looking for.

 But are you willing to believe it?
Will you put your logical mind to the side for just a moment?

It’s the truth.
 It is true.

Just sit down and ask and experience it for yourself. You can and you will.

Are you willing to give it a try?
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