Why You're Needed Now! Be SEEN By Spirit. Dissolve Fear of Uncertainty.
Nov 16, 2024Below is the written transcript of this channeled video transmission from November 4, 2024. If you'd prefer to listen to it, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to: https://youtu.be/BN_Q5TnbVE0
Hi! I'm Joanne Cary. Welcome back to my channel and today the Guides come through with a beautiful message about just how powerful and vast we are as a being of light, living this life, how we are needed, how we are unique. And they bring through an energy transmission to support us in releasing some of the fear that comes with the uncertainty of the times that we're in. I hope you benefit from their message.
It is a pleasure to be connecting with such brilliant, beautiful beings of light.
You do not yet realize just the significance of what we say. You do not realize how powerful and vast and beautiful you are and that is changing rapidly. As we ask this one to again open her eyes, so that we may see you in a different way, you may see us in a different way. We want to remind you of just how vast you are. We want you to begin to remember just how powerful you are, what light you are, what love you are at your essence, and what is beginning to manifest more brilliantly on the plane that you are in.
Regardless of anything that is around you, you are impacting each circumstance
through the light that you are and the more that you are able to allow the fear to dissipate, your focus to be on those things that bring you light, joy, fun,
play, the more you will see your experience change.
And although there is much going on in the world, through the collective, through Mother Nature in her upheavals, what you're not seeing is that your light is shining brighter than it ever has. And it is due to this brighter light, this higher frequency that you are holding as a collective, and that is being contributed to by the light frequency of the Earth herself, by the light information encoding that is coming from the sun, by the light that is being transmitted by those consciousness, those beings who are supporting the Earth, even if some deny their existence at this point. There is so much light and love radiating from the Earth that it cannot help but to shift and to release anything of a lower density. This is much of what you are seeing.
As you continue to navigate forward, choose to focus wherever you can on the things that are going right. Take time to connect, whether it's in meditation or some other practice that you have. Intend to connect to the Source light, that is you at your essence. Begin building that relationship, that connection, for it will support you greatly in the years to come.
We impress upon you just how much you are needed. We remind you that you are a unique puzzle piece within a massive puzzle of all creation and in particular the creation of Earth and all who dwell in, on and around her.
You are unique. You have a unique frequency and you have unique gifts that you came here at this time to share with the world. And even if you are at a point in your journey where you don't believe that that is so, know that as the days, the months, and the years progress, you will be called forth more fully into the things that light you up, that you desire. And it will call you forth in, what we would say are quite magical and exciting ways, if you allow it, if you're open to receive it in that way.
Or it may also result in what you would call a dark night of the Soul. The Soul, by the way, has no dark nights. Everything is exciting to the Soul. It is really the dark experience of the human, of your own experience. And so, as you move forward, as you allow yourself to receive your experiences in a way that can be perceived by you as something that's benefiting you, the more you will have greater experience that you will both prefer, and the more light that you will allow to shine on the plane.
Take a deep breath in please. Allow yourself to simply receive the light that we are transmitting to you to support you in releasing the grip that you have on how things have been, on how things you think they should be, to allow yourself to more fully open to the light that you are, and the role that you have here.
If you are here on the planet right now you are needed. You will be guided and shown and in all likelihood have already been doing some of the things that contribute to the broader role that you are playing as that unique puzzle piece.
But as you allow yourself to be seen by us, as you allow yourself to receive the light that we are transmitting now, that is coming through now, through the codes of light, through the frequency of this voice, through the eyes that look at the screen that you are looking at, you are receiving.
Simply take a moment now to notice what it is that you are sensing, feeling, knowing, the thoughts that are present. How you experience it in your bodies. You may feel a pressure on your crown. You may feel a shifting, wobbly energy. You may feel pressure or lightness in the back of your head, at your 3rd eye. You may feel a stirring in your belly, of the energy, reminding you, coaxing you, calling you forward
to say “This is excitement. This is remembering. You are being called forward now”.
Allow yourself to remember. Allow yourself to release the bags that you've been holding, that are getting heavier by the day. Feel our light. Feel our love and know that there is so much available to you, that every problem that you have has a solution that you've already created and your best step forward is to be in the moment you are in asking “what is the next step I can take right now?” You will be guided.
As you allow yourself to move from the mind to your heart, feel from your heart, think from your heart, navigate the world from your heart, and you will be greatly served in this act.
We feel you. We see you. We understand what you are going through. The world is changing. It will never be the same again. And we would invite you to begin to embrace change, to begin to embrace uncertainty, for the only certainty that you will have in the years to come is uncertainty.
We know that that makes some of you feel fearful. Allow our light to begin to dissolve, that. Allow the light to penetrate the knot in your stomach, allow the light to begin to penetrate the fear that uncertainty brings. Allow our light to weave fully through you.
Allow the light to connect more fully with the light of your being, deeply within the heart center of you, bringing forth the light of who you are. The power of who you are, the vastness and brilliance of who you are as a Divine Creator Being of light.
You are held, and you are loved and all that is presenting for you now is looking to be released, seen, acknowledged and then allow for the energy to move. Don't keep things. Don't repress things. Don't hold tightly to how things have been, for there is something much greater waiting for you on the other side of these challenging and changing times. These changing times.
Perhaps even see how change can be fun. How change can be exciting. Allow for the new. Embrace the new. You are supported, and for now we are complete.
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