What's going on?! Why am I here? How can I help? Light Language Transmission of Love & Peace
Jul 27, 2024Below is the written transcript of this channeled video transmission published on July 24, 2024. If you'd prefer to listen to it, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to: https://youtu.be/Q24m-lV6mrQ
Hi! I’m Joanne Cary. Welcome back to my channel, and today the Guides do something a bit different with me. They have me open my eyes during the Channeled message, so that they can really see you and send their love and light in a different way. They're speaking to the challenges of this time, and all the fear that we're seeing out-pictured right now, and they really share with us why we're here right now, and how powerful we are, so I hope you enjoy their powerful and inspiring message and really fully receive the nourishing transmission they give to us at the end.
Greetings. We are here, and we wish to share that you are in the middle of great change. You are in the middle of great change on the planet.
And what this means for you, is that as the light streams in, as you are carrying more light in your physical bodies, more and more is coming up to be seen. This is coming forth in your out-pictured reality. It is coming forth through the things that you see through your media, all of the things that you share with each other that may be calling you to fear.
This is your time, those who hear these words, for you to come back into your heart. This is the time for you to come into the still point, the center of your being. Do you understand that you are in choice? That you are the one who gets to choose, how you respond to all that you see, all that you are invited to. Nobody can walk this path, dear, light worker, dear leader of light, but you. And when the world seems most disrupted, when the world seems most chaotic, when the world seems most helpless, that is, when your light is needed the most. That is when all of the practices, all of the learnings, the teachings that you have accumulated over the years, that is when you must apply them, that is when you must live them and walk as the light that you are.
You are capable, and you are prepared for this. You came for this.
You have had years and lifetimes of practice in preparation for exactly this time that you are in now.
So when you are feeling low, when you are feeling like you can't walk any further, know that you can. Know that you will. And know that as you look around you, to the communities you are into those who are walking the path beside you, in front of you, around you, they are there to support you. You are there to support each other.
For in the truth of it you are all of the same Source. You are all in the same energetic field together. You are all part of the One collective humanity. And it is your job, it is your mission to support each other as you walk this path.
As the wave seems too harsh, for you know that someone else is extending a hand, and know that when you are calm, that you are also to extend a hand to another.
It is together that you ride this great wave, and it is together that you support all who are walking this path along with you and all of those who don't even know that they're on this path at all.
There is absolutely no one who gets left behind. Do you understand?
You do this together. You may do this in different times, different phases, and perhaps different lifetimes, for this is a journey that is taking place over many generations, and you are on the forefront of it. You are the leaders of light who are waking and walking those around you.
And so at this time, when you are called most to fear, when fear is rearing its head, to bring you into agreement with it so it may create more fear, it is now, now, now that you get to stand fully and ground fully in the Divine Being of light that you are. Do you understand this? Do you understand this?
You are powerful, and you are ready for this. And in those moments when you are in doubt, take the time, prioritize a moment or two to move back into the center of your being, the still point of your being.
Take a deep breath now.
Take a deep breath.
And allow yourself. See yourself, sense yourself, know that you are coming back into the center of your beingness.
This is your Source connection.
This is your connection to the Divine Self, the one who sees the path laid before you, and can see how you walk through the labyrinth that you may see, sense, or feel.
You can be walked out with ease, and peace and joy.
That is your choice. How you experience the months to come, is your choice.
You may choose to shake hands with fear, you may choose to hold to the lower density, the lower vibration and that will be your experience. You will walk through the mud in the days to come.
But you don't need to do that.
In every moment that you feel that you are playing in the mud, you can choose to step out. You can choose to lift out.
You can choose to come back into your center.
You can choose to focus on what's going right in your life.
You can choose to focus on something that brings you joy, happiness, comfort.
And as you do that your vibration lifts. You may even simply wish, when your own feelings are too low for you to feel the connection.
For you to find that thing that brings you joy.
Come back into your center and ask to align to your Source Self, Your True Self.
Asked to be lifted and held. And you will be.
You will feel the peace come over, you will sense it, you will know it.
Your body will be soothed, and nourished.
Your team is there, whether you know it or not.
And when you ask, they respond. They don't interfere with your experience.
You came here to experience it all. All levels.
And so it's your choice, you know. It's your choice.
But they will align you to their highest, they will entrain you with their energy to allow you some reprieve, to allow you that higher level perspective, so that you may walk forward in more peace.
And you get to do your part.
You get to watch what you consume.
You get to watch where your beliefs are at, you get to watch what thoughts are creating stories in your mind.
You get to choose where you focus. And that is creating your next experience.
Do you have a rather tumultuous time ahead of you?
But do you also have the greatest wave of light that you've experienced on this plane in your existence?
And does this hold infinite possibility for you?
It does.
You have the opportunity to be the most light that you have ever been.
You have the opportunity to experience the most magic that you have ever experienced before.
You get to experience being embodied Spirit in form, living a human experience, experiencing all of the beautiful things that you get to experience, using all of the senses that you have, and more.
That's the potential. Beyond your wildest imagination.
So will there be some upset, will there be some things that you need to release in this journey that you walk?
Because it has to go in order for the light to hold, in order for you to maintain and lift at the new level of energy.
That's the challenge and the opportunity for this time.
That's the challenge and the opportunity for this time.
And we are here with.
We are always supporting you.
We are sending you our love, our light, to you.
And if you wish to receive in this moment of now a gift of love, of peace,
you may close your eyes if you wish.
You may gaze at us if you wish.
And allow yourself to receive.
[Toning & Light Language]
Feel it move through your body.
Feel it move through your energies field.
You are held.
You are loved.
Simply breathe it in.
and as you do, see every cell of your body filling with light.
See it filling with the colors of bubbles, iridescent rainbow light.
You are this brilliant Source light,
You are this rainbow light, this crystalline light.
You are Divine.
You are Source, light.
You are powerful and you are ready for this time.
You are ready for this time.
You came here for this.
You have prepared for this.
This is what you were waiting.
Allow it to open in your heart, like the lotus flower opens.
Allow it to open within you and reveal all that you came here to be, in this time, in this life, in this moment.
You are so loved.
We are so excited for you.
And for now, we shall step back, leaving you enveloped in our light, our love, and forever in our hearts.
We see you in your truth, in the light that you are, that you have always been and cannot not be. Blessings to you each on this day. It has been a pleasure to connect in this way.
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