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You're doing Great! Keep Going!

divine wisdom inspiration inspirational quote monday message spiritual guidance Oct 05, 2024

A channeled message from the Guides to support you as you navigate these times!

It is such a pleasure to connect with you each on this day, this start of a new week as you venture to experience more of who you are in each moment and each interaction that you have.

The energies on the planet are in great flux as the earth and each of you on it are lifting and shifting into more recognition and embodiment of yourselves as Divine Creator Beings. This isn’t necessarily a comfortable experience all of the time, but we wanted to tell you and to assure you that you are doing so well. Your light, the internal glow of your heart Source connection is vibrant and your fields are aglow.

Be gentle with yourselves. Care for yourselves mentally and physically.  Allow yourselves grace for the times you feel like you stumble and truly celebrate those times that you are flying high and loving the moment. These work in tandem to support you on your path.

Each of you is doing well. There is no exception. Each one who reads these words is doing great. Breathe that in, will you? Relax the shoulders and stomach and receive these words and our energy. You are doing great. You are becoming more and more you in each day. Your intention to do so makes it so.

Every tiny little step forward moves you closer.  Even when you think you are moving backwards, taking the “two-steps back” like in the cha-cha, actually you are not.  Think for a moment of yourself walking on a flat escalator, like at a large airport. You get on it, and if you stand still, you still are moving forward, when you take a few steps backwards, you are still moving forward and indeed when you walk, take steps, you accelerate much more quickly for you are going with the flow and momentum.

You are energy and energy is always in motion forward. So even on the days that you feel like you haven’t done enough or wobble a little, you still had experiences, you still moved forward.

Learning to love each experience, what you would call good, bad, or in between, is the purpose. Experience it, love it, learn from it, and keep going. It’s fun, like child’s play. Everything is fun from your Soul Self perspective because you are here, in a body, with all the tangible experiences and feelings and emotions that make it so rich. And as you experience it and you take these experiences with you, you are enriching yourself and expanding your consciousness.

Keep going dear ones. You are doing great. You are being awesome.  We are filled with awe at your courage, at your resilience, at your persistence to just keep going.  

You get to experience more joy now.

You get to experience more love now.

You get to experience more peace now.

Receive it. 

Allow yourself to receive it. Focus on these things and see your life change even quicker.

We love you each and for now we are complete. Blessings to you each.

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