We are here and we are the High Council of Orion. We are pleased to be connecting with you right now and are grateful for the invitation to speak through this channel.
On this day in your time, you stand in a great moment of energy where the energies are ind...
So on this day we celebrate you. We celebrate the being that you are in this form at this time. We celebrate the you that is eternal and chose to take part of itself to be in this form at this momentous time. We are indeed simply celebratory.
We love to see many ...
Everything, everything, everything is up for review. Everything that is no longer in service to the whole, to the frequency of the whole must be seen to be released. How it is handled, responded to, will be the call and the challenge.
As you see before you those, what you call, regressions in right...
Shall we talk a bit about imagination? You were pondering this this morning. So often people attribute imagination to children. To what kids do. It is true that kids spend a lot of time imagining, but you should all take note and follow suit.
The imagination i...
It’s the beginning of November 2019 and I’m sitting at a table at Mike Dooley’s Soulapalooza event in Carlsbad! Lee Harris, the first channel I’ve ever heard of, on stage. Me – my body starts buzzing, vibrating – ALL OVER. What the heck is happening, I’m wondering. I casually glance around curiously...
Oh dearest one, we are so pleased to be connecting with you on this very glorious and energetic day. Every day is energetic, you are energetic and together you are all in a beautiful energetic dance of co-creation with each other and with the source of all things. Within that source we are, you are...
Did you know that you can tap into your energetic field to help you make decisions? Some might call it tapping into your intuition or your inner knowing. When you learn to listen to and interpret your energy, you can get insight into any problem you are trying to solve. Let’s take a look at how thi...