How To Lift Your Vibration? CELEBRATE!! celebrate channeled message divine wisdom energy self love self worth Jul 03, 2022


So on this day we celebrate you. We celebrate the being that you are in this form at this time. We celebrate the you that is eternal and chose to take part of itself to be in this form at this momentous time. We are indeed simply celebratory.

We love to see many ...

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Think You're Not Ready Yet? Find Out What Spirit Wants YOU TO Know channeled channeled message divine wisdom not enough procrastination self worth spiritual peptalk wayshower Jun 22, 2022


A channeled pep talk from Spirit and a wonderful analogy that really resonated with me that definitely is supporting me in stepping up and out into the world. Read what they have to share with you to help you shine your light more fully in the world as you navigat...

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Spirit Connects You To Your Worth beliefs channeled channeled message divine wisdom inspiration meditation mindset self worth Jan 18, 2022

I just asked if my team had anything they’d like to share with us right now and here’s what they shared. May it support us each on this journey of remembering our wholeness and worth.

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Oh dear ones, as you venture about in your day, be in the knowing of your worth. Each of you are worthy....

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