Below is the written transcript of this channeled inspirational video message from August 21, 2023. If you'd prefer to listen to it, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to:
Iā€™m so excited to share this message from my Team. Hi, Iā€™m Joanne Cary we...
Everything, everything, everything is up for review. Everything that is no longer in service to the whole, to the frequency of the whole must be seen to be released. How it is handled, responded to, will be the call and the challenge.
As you see before you those, what you call, regressions in right...
A channeled pep talk from Spirit and a wonderful analogy that really resonated with me that definitely is supporting me in stepping up and out into the world. Read what they have to share with you to help you shine your light more fully in the world as you navigat...
A Channeled Message Through Joanne Cary
Today is a new day dear one. Each day, each moment a new opportunity and a new choice of being. How you be in each moment the important factor in determining the experience you have moving forward.
Each moment an opportunity to move with the energy and creat...