Spirit Connects You To Your Worth beliefs channeled channeled message divine wisdom inspiration meditation mindset self worth Jan 18, 2022

I just asked if my team had anything they’d like to share with us right now and here’s what they shared. May it support us each on this journey of remembering our wholeness and worth.

Oh dear ones, as you venture about in your day, be in the knowing of your worth. Each of you are...

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Will You Love Your Body? ascension body image channeled channeled message inspiration love your body self love Jan 09, 2022

Oh sweet one, be in your body. Be in your body when you eat. Be in your body when you move. Be in your body when your feel. Be in your body when you connect with us. Be in your body as it...

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Sending Love & Light to the World Visualization ascension channeled channeled message inspiration meditation visualization Dec 21, 2021

 I had just finished a channel and the energy was so good, so I asked if I could just sit in their energy a while. They said “Indeed”. Then a few moments later I heard:

“Shall we send some light and love out to the world?” Of course I said “Yes” and so we...

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Will you accept the invitation from Spirit? channeled channeled message inspiration self discovery spirit guides teaching of being Nov 14, 2021

What we invite you to do is to find the peace inside yourself,
so that others may know peace.

We ask that you find the safety inside yourself,
so the others may know safety.

We ask that you find the love inside yourself,
so that others may know love.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, it...

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Have you set an intention today? ascension channeled channeled message divine wisdom energy intention spirit guides spirituality teaching of being thoughts become things Nov 12, 2021

Oh dearest one, we are so pleased to be connecting with you on this very glorious and energetic day. Every day is energetic, you are energetic and together you are all in a beautiful energetic dance of co-creation with each other and with the source of all things.  Within that source we are,...

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How to Use Your Energy as a Guide energy intuition mindset self discovery Jan 18, 2020

Did you know that you can tap into your energetic field to help you make decisions? Some might call it tapping into your intuition or your inner knowing.  When you learn to listen to and interpret your energy, you can get insight into any problem you are trying to solve. Let’s take a...

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How Do You Make Decisions In Your Life? connection decisions excellence joy mindset values Dec 30, 2019

People often comment on how full of life and enthusiastic I am and say that they wish they had this much energy.  When I reflect on what contributes to my energy, enthusiasm and general positivity toward life, I believe that part of it is having clearly defined values in my life that I use...

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Your Thoughts Create Your Reality! beliefs mindset thoughts become things Dec 07, 2019

Our thoughts create our reality.

We think about 70,000 thoughts a day and about 90% of them are the same thoughts that we had yesterday.  These same thoughts lead to us making the same choices which lead to us the same behaviours that create the same experiences that then lead to the same...

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Projection theory: What hidden qualities do you have? beliefs mindset projection theory self discovery Nov 22, 2019

“You can only see in others what you already have within yourself”  and Carl Jung said it in a different way “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."

For me this has been such a profound concept and it’s dramatically...

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