You're doing Great! Keep Going! divine wisdom inspiration inspirational quote monday message spiritual guidance Oct 05, 2024

A channeled message from the Guides to support you as you navigate these times!

It is such a pleasure to connect with you each on this day, this start of a new week as you venture to experience more of who you are in each moment and each interaction that you have.

The energies on the planet are ...

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You Are The Miracle divine wisdom empowerment inspiration inspirational quote Jul 15, 2024

As you begin to realize that you have an aspect of the creator inside you and that as a creator being you’re creating your reality at every step, you begin to understand and know just how powerful you are.

You begin to understand and can work with that creative force to change any circumstance in...

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Why You Want To Let Your Imagination Lead The Way channeled message channeled quotes inspiration monday message Jul 14, 2024

Dearest one, allow your imagination to fly away with you. Allow yourself to get caught on the wings of your imagination and just see where it takes you. Be without bound, without limits and simply fly. What if it were all possible? What if there truly was no limit to anything, to your creations, or ...

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How to Find the Answers Within channeled channeled message channeled quotes inspiration monday message Jul 12, 2024

All who read these words are seekers. You are well on the way down the path of remembering in fullness who you are and who you have always been. The eternal you in your vastness and beauty.

You are doing very well. You are becoming lighter each day whether it feels like it or not

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FIND OUT YOUR PURPOSE + How to release fears & doubts & be the beacon of light for others! ascension channeled message inspiration light worker purpose spiritual peptalk tips and practical advice you are needed Sep 30, 2023

Below is the written transcript of this channeled inspirational video message from August 21, 2023. If you'd prefer to listen to it, you can listen to it on YouTube by clicking here or going to:

I’m so excited to share this message from my Team. Hi, I’m Joanne Cary we...

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Creating A Triumphant History! A New World In The Making ascension celebrate channeled channeled message inspiration love new world spiritual awakening you are needed Feb 19, 2023


*I invite you to listen to me reading this message in the video player above, otherwise read below.*

I just wanted to share you this channeled message from my Guides. I think it's so filled with love and inspiration and a great reminder of what we're doing here o...

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BE YOU! An inspiring message on being your unique & authentic self. channeled channeled message finding joy inspiration joy mindset Jan 17, 2023



We can never tell you this enough. We can never tell those who read these words enough.

Just BE YOU! You do not understand the power that unfolds to you as you BE YOU!

This means, yes, releasing the false beliefs and identity you have creat

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ARE YOU AN EMISSARY OF THE LIGHT? THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU! ascension awakening channeled channeled message consciousness emissary of the light inspiration light worker spirit guides wayshower Oct 17, 2022


Those who hear these words are Emissaries of the Light. For many lifetimes you have prepared for this time on this earth in this moment. Many of you have lived lives as warriors. Fighting for the good of all. And sometimes not so successfully. You come here w...

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Spirit Connects You To Your Worth beliefs channeled channeled message divine wisdom inspiration meditation mindset self worth Jan 18, 2022

I just asked if my team had anything they’d like to share with us right now and here’s what they shared. May it support us each on this journey of remembering our wholeness and worth.

đź’› đź’› đź’› đź’› đź’›

Oh dear ones, as you venture about in your day, be in the knowing of your worth. Each of you are worthy....

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Will You Love Your Body? ascension body image channeled channeled message inspiration love your body self love Jan 09, 2022


Oh sweet one, be in your body. Be in your body when you eat. Be in your body when you move. Be in your body when your feel. Be in your body when you connect with us. Be in your body a...

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Sending Love & Light to the World Visualization ascension channeled channeled message inspiration meditation visualization Dec 21, 2021

 I had just finished a channel and the energy was so good, so I asked if I could just sit in their energy a while. They said “Indeed”. Then a few moments later I heard:

“Shall we send some light and love out to the world?” Of course I said “Yes” and so we did. I beautiful visualization that I wante...

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Will you accept the invitation from Spirit? channeled channeled message inspiration self discovery spirit guides teaching of being Nov 14, 2021

What we invite you to do is to find the peace inside yourself,
so that others may know peace.

We ask that you find the safety inside yourself,
so the others may know safety.

We ask that you find the love inside yourself,
so that others may know love.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, it i...

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